Saturday, 26 October 2024

MSNBC’s Scarborough Says Trump is “Preparing for Civil War”

MSNBC’s Scarborough Says Trump is “Preparing for Civil War”

Why do they all hold this odd fantasy?

It’s another day, so there is another deranged leftist on TV telling Americans that Donald Trump is going to round everyone up and throw them in detention camps.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough rolled a clip of Trump at this past weekend’s rally in Pennsylvania, where he said “Those who want to stop us from achieving this future have slandered me, impeached me, indicted me, tried to throw me off the ballot. And who knows? Maybe even tried to kill me.”

Responding to the remarks, Scarborough stated “The level of un-American activity that you just saw is stunning. That is un-American. They know they’re lying. Donald Trump knows that’s a lie.”

“He will tell you that the Secret Service, he thought, did the best job they could do. The fact that JD Vance and Trump’s family would out and out say what they said takes the threat of violence takes the threat beyond where it was even leading up to January 6,” the host continued to blather.

“This is an increasingly desperate person, an increasingly desperate family, who is preparing for civil war. They just are,” Scarborough declared.

These leftist mouthpieces have nothing of any substance to present to convince Americans that a vote for Kamala Harris is a wise move, and so they repeatedly resort to fearmongering propaganda.

The body language and the look on their faces says it all.

They know Trump is going to win big, barring any monumental election corruption scheme.

And why do they all have this absurd fantasy about Trump throwing them in camps?

Deranged Cohen Claims Trump Will Use Navy Seals To “Round Up” His Political Opponents

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