Saturday, 07 September 2024

New York Times Now Suggests It’s “Far Right” To  Question Biden’s Health

New York Times Now Suggests It’s “Far Right” To  Question Biden’s Health

Normal service resumed

After perhaps the most bizarre two weeks in US politics, culminating in Joe Biden resigning from the 2024 race via X, the New York Times has suggested that it is “baseless” and “far right” to question where Joe Biden’s has been and speculate that his health has declined. 

Here’s the Times headline:

This is the same outlet that since the debate up until Biden dropped out was publishing daily stories questioning his mental acuity.

Now somehow that is “far right” again.

Up until today, Biden wasn’t seen for more than a week. 

The posts on X are clearly not sent personally by him, and the letter announcing he was stepping down wasn’t written by him and had a signiture on it that doesn’t look like Biden’s.

 It’s not “far right” to find that any of that odd.

As we highlighted, something significant happened in Las Vegas that cut short Biden’s visit and required Air Force One to fly back to Delaware so fast journalists described the plane as “shaking” all the way.

What Happened To Biden In Vegas?

At this point anything the media calls a ‘baseless conspiracy theory’ is just something that is proven correct in a couple of days.

You do have to keep reminding yourself that Biden is still the President right now.

If he’s not capable of running and can’t function for over a week why is he still leading anything?

Trump Calls For Investigation Into Joe Biden’s Doctors

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