Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Prominent Leftist Pollster Puts Biden Chances Of Winning At 28%

Prominent Leftist Pollster Puts Biden Chances Of Winning At 28%

Says that’s “probably too optimistic”

Leftist pollster Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight believes that Joe Biden’s chances of beating Donald Trump in November are about 28 percent, and that’s being optimistic.

Silver, who correctly predicted the outcome of all 50 states in the 2012 election and all but one in the 2008 election, notes “Even though Biden’s chances have fallen considerably in our forecast — to 28 percent now from 35 percent before the debate — it’s still probably too optimistic.”

“He likely isn’t capable of providing the sort of performance he needs to fully realize his chances of a comeback,” Silver writes.

The comments come as yet another long term Biden aide has told The New York Times that Biden’s mental deficiency is so bad that he should drop out.

The aide claimed that what the public sees of Biden isn’t as bad as what happens in private.

During appearances this past weekend in Philadelphia, Biden again appeared lost and confused.

He also appeared to have tremors in his hands as he erroneously claimed that while running for the Senate (in Delaware) Philadelphia “helped him over the line.”

The footage has added to the suspicions that Biden has some form of Parkinson’s.

CNN Dr Sanjay Gupta Calls For Biden To Have ‘Detailed Cognitive And Movement Disorder Testing’

Indeed, the New York Times is now reporting that the Parkinson’s expert who previously visited the White House did so a whopping eight times in as many months.

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