Monday, 28 October 2024

Russia Set to Ban the Promotion of “Childless Lifestyle” Propaganda

Russia Set to Ban the Promotion of “Childless Lifestyle” Propaganda

In an effort to reverse its declining population.

Russia is set to introduce a new law that would ban the promotion of a “childless lifestyle” and impose large fines on those pushing anti-natalist propaganda in a bid to reverse its population decline.

The country’s birth rate currently stands at just 1.49, well below the 2.1 per woman replacement rate.

President Vladimir Putin, who has urged his citizens to pursue “traditional values” in a bid to counter what he asserts is an increasingly degenerate west, is encouraging women to have at least three children in order to secure Russia’s future.

As part of that drive, Vyacheslav Vologyin, the chairman of the State Duma, is currently helping to draft a new law that would ban pro-abortion propaganda online, in movies, advertising and the media.

Russia’s birth rate is currently at its lowest in a quarter of a century, and the situation hasn’t been helped by mounting fatalities as a result of the war with Ukraine.

“Groups in social networks often disrespect motherhood and fatherhood, and show aggression towards pregnant women, children and large families,” said Vologyin, according to a report by Hungarian news outlet Mandiner.

Under the proposed legislation, those found guilty of spreading “child-free propaganda” could be fined up to 400,000 rubles ($4,300), while for government officials the fine would amount to 800,000 rubles ($8,602), and for companies, the fine could be as high as 5 million rubles ($53,763).

The law stands in stark contrast to attitudes in the west, where legacy media outlets continually promote the benefits of avoiding children, scaring women that they’ll lose their ‘freedom’ and encouraging males to live as man-babies in a state of permanent adolescence.

This culminated earlier this year when Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker faced a sustained backlash for daring to suggest that women should aspire to be mothers and homemakers.

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