Friday, 25 October 2024

Top Trump Campaign Operative Wants to Appeal to ‘Jamal’ and ‘Enrique’, Not So Much ‘Karen’

Top Trump Campaign Operative Wants to Appeal to ‘Jamal’ and ‘Enrique’, Not So Much ‘Karen’

Tactical blunder?

One of Trump’s closest campaign operatives says she is re-aligning the Republican party and working to help Trump beat Biden by largely dispensing with the ‘Karens’ and appealing more to people called ‘Jamal’ and ‘Enrique’.

Yes, really.

66-year-old Susie Wiles is described as a “somewhat mysterious figure” by USA Today who has “helped lead Trump’s political operation for three years” as a senior campaign manager.

The newspaper reports that she has “stayed in this particular job longer than any other previous top Trump campaign leader” by avoiding the limelight and operating carefully behind the scenes, describing Wiles as Trump’s “secret weapon.”

According to the Atlantic, Wiles thinks Trump can return to the Oval Office by putting less focus on his core voter base and appealing more to ethnic minorities.

“For every Karen we lose, we’re going to win a Jamal and an Enrique,” Wiles told a reporter.

“That’s a fact. I believe it. And I so believe we’re realigning the party,” she added.

Wiles thinks that the campaign can hold on to enough ‘Karens’, meaning white suburban women, as well as courting enough black and hispanic voters, to ensure a “blowout” in November.

Trump won 35% of Hispanic voters and 8% of Black voters in 2020, and an AP analysis of polls suggests he is still very unpopular with those groups.

“About 7 in 10 Black Americans have a somewhat or very unfavorable view of Trump, as do about half of Hispanic Americans. While both groups do see Trump a little more favorably than when he left office in 2021, their opinion of him is still more negative than positive,” reports the Associated Press.

Many Trump supporters may see Wiles’ perspective as a tactical error in that he’s wasting valuable campaign time and resources trying to appeal to smaller groups of voters who when it comes down to the wire are Democrats at heart and simply won’t vote for Trump.

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