Friday, 25 October 2024

Trump Claims FBI Sitting on Information That Suggests Assassination Attempts Were Foreign-Backed

Trump Claims FBI Sitting on Information That Suggests Assassination Attempts Were Foreign-Backed

“Iran has an open threat out for me.”

During an appearance on the Flagrant podcast, Donald Trump suggested that the FBI is sitting in information that indicates the two assassination attempts against him had foreign backers.

Trump told host Andrew Schulz that he had “big breaking news” about the assassination attempts after being asked who tried to kill him.

“So this shooter had three cell phones…the FBI’s never gotten them opened. The other shooter, three apps they call ’em, and I believe they were foreign based apps,” said Trump.

“They haven’t opened them and they’re foreign-based,” he added, before suggesting a link to Iran as part of a revenge hit because Trump was “rough on Iran and they supposedly have a hit on me.”

“They have three apps and foreign-based, two of them, maybe three of them are foreign-based. They haven’t opened them yet. Why wouldn’t you open ’em when you hear about Iran?” asked Trump.

The former president went on to question why the FBI has failed to gain access to six different cellphones supposedly owned by one of the shooters.

“You would look at Iran – Iran has an open threat out for me,” said Trump, before going on to suggest that if Biden had threatened to bomb Iran if the country had planned to kill a former United States president, the assassination plots wouldn’t have happened.

Although the two assassination attempts against Trump that were stopped on the day were domestic in origin in terms of the perpetrator, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps reportedly sponsored a third plot.

Time Magazine reported that Pakistani-born Asif Merchant was authorized to offer up to $1 million dollars to someone to carry out the assassination.

Merchant remotely scouted a Trump rally to assess security vulnerabilities and planned to use a staged demonstration as a distraction, according to the report.

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