Thursday, 19 September 2024

Van Jones Says Energy Behind Trump Like Nothing He’s Seen Since Obama 2008

Van Jones Says Energy Behind Trump Like Nothing He’s Seen Since Obama 2008

“Something’s happening”.

CNN’s Van Jones acknowledged that the last time he felt the kind of energy seen at the RNC and the groundswell of support around Trump was during Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign.

Donald Trump gave a marathon 90 minute speech at the convention during which he spoke for the first time about the assassination attempt against him.

Kid Rock also performed ‘American Badass’ while Hulk Hogan endorsed Trump while giving a rousing speech before ripping his shirt off.

The energy on display promoted Democrat Van Jones to make some eyebrow-raising comments.

“This spirit that this guy has, you think he’s drunk? He’s not!” said Van Jones referring to his Trump-supporting colleague.

“This whole thing is like this,” said Jones, adding, “The last time I was at a convention that felt like this was Obama 2008 – there’s something happening.”

Some will view the kind of rhetoric now being circulated by the mainstream media as a kind of tacit acknowledgement that Trump has already won the election.

As we previously highlighted, CNN is now running entire segments predicting how there’s a good chance Trump could succeed in a landslide.

However, others have cautioned that this is merely a ruse designed to ensure that Joe Biden withdraws as a candidate, something that is expected to happen this weekend.

Others fear Trump supporters a lulled into a false sense of security by making them think his victory is inevitable therefore deflating some of their energy going into the final 16 weeks of the election campaign.

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