Friday, 18 October 2024

Veteran Reporter: Obama Ousted Biden With 25th Amendment Threat

Veteran Reporter: Obama Ousted Biden With 25th Amendment Threat

Respected investigative reporter Seymour Hersh corroborates the “coup”

Veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh has revealed that according to his sources Barack Obama led a group of top Democrats in ousting Joe Biden, which culminated in threatening him with use of the 25th amendment.

“I went over (reports) this week with a senior official in Washington who helped me fashion an account of a White House in complete disarray,” Hersh reports.

He further notes that Obama called Biden three days after the now infamous incident in Las Vegas, where Biden had a medical emergency as detailed by multiple law enforcement sources who were ordered to make immediate preparations to get Biden to the University hospital.

It is thought that Biden suffered a neurological episode, but that it only lasted a short time and his doctors determined he could be quickly flown back to Delaware.

What Happened To Biden In Vegas?

Hersh asserts that according to his sources, Obama told Biden on the July 20th call that he had Kamala Harris’ approval to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office for not being capable of fulfilling the duties of the office of president.

This came after the debate debacle and other appearances in which Biden’s mental decline was on show for all to see, yet he publicly kept refusing to entertain the idea of stepping aside.

“Obama called Biden after breakfast (on July 20) and said, ‘Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment,’” Hersh reports, adding that it was also with the “approval of Pelosi and Schumer,” as well as Hakeem Jeffries.

Hersh adds that Obama did not plan on immediately endorsing Kamala Harris, but preferred to put into place a primary like process to determine a new nominee.

“He (Obama) had an agenda, and he wanted to seek it through to the end, and he wanted to have control over who would be elected,” Hersh writes, urging“This is called a coup.

This all dovetails with reporting from the New York Post that cites sources close to Biden who say Obama doesn’t believe Harris can beat Donald Trump, and that he would like to see Arizona Senator Mark Kelly throw his hat in the ring.

Democrats Are Preparing To Anoint A DIFFERENT Nominee To Kamala Harris: Report
Obama Not Endorsing Harris, Doesn’t Believe She Can Beat Trump: Report

Biden’s immediate move to endorse Harris was a rogue effort, more of a “fuck you then” move toward Obama, who is not happy with it, according to the sources.

Biden Endorsed Harris Immediately On Dropping Out As A F*** You To Obama: Report

Hence the weird and seemingly thrown together endorsement from Obama that came a few days later.

Obamas Endorse Kamala Harris In The Most Mega Cringe Staged Way Imaginable 

Hersh also notes that “it was agreed that if the poll did not continue to show her (Kamala Harris) gaining traction, other options would be considered, including an open convention,” and that the top brass feels that “she had better perform” in order to be named as the nominee.

Donald Trump also clearly knows what went on, labelling it a “fascist coup” against Biden this past weekend.

Trump: Biden Was Ousted In A “Fascist Coup”

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