Saturday, 26 October 2024

Watch: Biden Barely Able To Get Down Off Debate Stage, Has To Be Led Away By His Wife

Watch: Biden Barely Able To Get Down Off Debate Stage, Has To Be Led Away By His Wife

He’s toast

After a shockingly bad performance during last night’s debate, Joe Biden wasn’t even able to get off the debate stage by himself.

As Trump walked away, Biden remained frozen behind the podium and his wife had to come on to the CNN set and lead him off.

He couldn’t get down the one step without his hand being held.

Zoomed in:

Biden was barely able to put together a coherent thought for an hour and a half.

It cannot be emphasised more how bad this was for Biden.

Literally every pundit watching admitted it was awful, and that he’s finished.

Even Joy Reid of MSNBC, who virulently hates Trump and has spent several years now rubbishing claims that Biden is in decline admitted that he is toast and leftists are in a complete panic.

Even Kamala Harris, who sounded like she was nearly crying, admitted Biden was “slow”.

The drugs didn’t work:

If this isn’t elder abuse, what is?

What happens now?

The ONLY person who said Biden won the debate was this guy:

What does that tell you?

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