Sunday, 27 October 2024

Watch: CNN Demonstrates How They’re Going To Shut Down Trump During Debate

Watch: CNN Demonstrates How They’re Going To Shut Down Trump During Debate

Tell us again, what does the green light mean?

CNN aired a cringe segment Wednesday demonstrating how they are going to mute the microphones of the Presidential candidates during the debate, with the obvious insinuation being that they want to stop Donald Trump from countering ongoing assertions being made against him by Joe Biden.

The entire segment was presented by the hosts as if they were talking to children, highlighting how when the lights on the podiums are green that means the microphones are on.

Wow thank goodness they demonstrated the basic function of a microphone.

How would we have ever worked out what is going on otherwise?

Everyone knows exactly what this is for:

As we’ve highlighted, Trump is up against it here. Jake Tapper and CNN have literally been calling him Hitler for eight years straight.

Trump Campaign Blasts CNN Debate Moderator’s “History Of Anti-Trump Lies”

Many want to know if the ‘moderators’ are going to be muted while Trump is talking.

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