Monday, 21 October 2024

Watch: Former Hillary Clinton Supporter Explains Why He Will Vote For Trump

Watch: Former Hillary Clinton Supporter Explains Why He Will Vote For Trump

Donates $300,000 to Trump’s campaign

A man who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and even contributed to her campaign has spoken about why he will now vote for Donald Trump and has donated $300,000 to Trump’s campaign.

It’s yet another example of someone who previously supported Trump’s Democrat opponents realising that he is a better candidate than Kamala Harris.

The Free Press reports on entrepreneur Shaun Maguire, who is also a partner at the VC fund Sequoia Capital, and his remarkable journey to becoming a Trump supporter.

The report notes:

In 2016, he said he was terrified of Trump winning and actively supported Hillary Clinton. But this year, Shaun gave Trump $300,000, saying he believes that “the Biden administration has had some of the worst foreign policy in decades.”

Maguire explains that the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan was the biggest red flag that made him look to Trump. 

He also notes that when he discovered the Russian collusion narrative had no credibility and the fake Steele dossier was commissioned by the Clinton campaign, his eyes were opened.

Here is Maguire explaining his turnaround to journalist Bari Weiss.

As we highlighted earlier, a post by a voter who expertly explained why he “can’t stand” Trump but is going to vote for him anyway has also gone mega viral.

Man Who “Can’t Stand” Trump Expertly Explains Why He’s Still Voting Trump Over Harris

Harris is in deep trouble.

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