Friday, 18 October 2024

What Happened To Biden In Vegas?

What Happened To Biden In Vegas?

Sources claim Biden suffered a ‘mini stroke’

Multiple sources have reportedly commented that something so significant happened to Joe Biden in Las Vegas last week that local law enforcement were alerted to clear a way to an emergency medical centre, before the plan was abruptly changed and he was rushed home on Air Force One.

As we highlighted yesterday, in Biden’s absence rumours have mounted over his condition and whereabouts.

Speculation Mounts About Whereabouts Of Biden

But what is all this about a medical episode in Vegas?

Conservative commentator Charlie Kirk has been following leads he was given by sources within Las Vegas PD and close to the Las Vegas Metro.

Kirk’s original post now has over 22 million views.

“US Secret Service informed LV Metro that there was an emergency situation involving Joe Biden and to close necessary streets so that POTUS could be transported immediately to University Medical, which they began to do in earnest,” he wrote.

Kirk added, “Then, mysteriously, there was a stand down order and the USSS informed local Vegas PD that they were going to “medivac” POTUS to Johns Hopkins, which they presumed meant fly him back east ASAP. Apparently the rumor mill in the police department was that Joe Biden was dying or possibly already dead.”

Kirk then posted that he received corroborating reports that “a call went out to block streets to get Biden to University Medical trauma center ASAP, and then the plan abruptly changed and they got him out on AF1 very quickly.”

Kirk also notes that a Daily Mail White House correspondent documented the extremely short flight time, and that the plane was shaking from being pushed so hard.

Biden was seen exiting the plane after it landed in Delaware, one of the last times he was seen.

He was also seen literally being pushed into a vehicle by Secret Service, seemingly unable to get into it himself.

So is there really anything to all this?

Another reporter, Jordan Schachtel of The Dossier investigated and says he has obtained accounts from over half a dozen law enforcement officers confirming that there was a medical incident.

Schachtel’s report claims that Biden stopped at a local Mexican restaurant called Lindo Michoacan, and it was there that the emergency occurred.

There is footage of Biden in the restaurant milling around, but no apparent footage of any medical episode.

Nevertheless, law enforcement were reportedly informed to spring into action around this time.

One source told Schachtel that “easily” hundreds of officers and employees heard the broadcast live and set in motion emergency response procedures, with radio dispatchers asking for a “surge” of police resources to secure the area.

Local NBC affiliate KSNV also reported at the time that the UMC emergency room “was on standby after being alerted about a possible medical issue with President Joe Biden Wednesday afternoon while he was visiting Southern Nevada.”

Reporters at RedState have also followed up the leads, and claimed that law enforcement has told them something did indeed happen, and that Biden was displaying ‘stroke-like symptoms’.

They assert that it was determined not to be a stroke, and that Biden could be transported on Air Force One.

There is further speculation that Biden experienced a transient ischaemic attack, also called a “mini stroke”, a serious condition where the blood supply to the brain is temporarily disrupted.

Others have stated that sources told them they believe Biden fell and hit his head.

Will we ever know what went down? Or will what happened in Vegas remain in Vegas?

Interestingly, the week before this, another separate incident was rumoured to have occurred on board Air Force One. Yet Biden departed the plane shortly after and it was brushed under the carpet.

All of this provides some context to Biden’s brother’s weird statement about wishing to “enjoy whatever time we have left.”

Biden’s Brother Says They Will “Enjoy Whatever Time We Have Left”

The there was the way Kamala Harris spoke to Biden when he ‘phoned’ in to her press event last night.

Watch: Kamala Harris Talks To Biden As If He’s Dying

Will we see Biden again?

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