Wednesday, 15 January 2025

CNN TURNS ON KAMALA and rips her over her flip-flop on the Trump border wall

The extreme Leftist news network CNN is doing the unthinkable, the unfathomable, the inexplicable, as they tell the truth about Kamala Harris’ hypocrisy, flip-flopping over her newfound support of the Trump border wall, after years of dogmatically criticizing it to the core. No one can figure out why CNN is stabbing Kommie Harris in the back, after they’ve shilled for her, in every way, shape and form, since she got selected (for race and gender only) as Sleepy Joe Biden’s veep.

Many people have been saying that Kommie Harris has no platform, no policies that she is putting forth to repair America after the damage she’s helped do for 4 years, but that’s not true. Her platform is whatever Trump says he’s going to do, and what he was doing during his term. Now, somehow, she’s claiming to support building back the “racist” and “xenophobic” U.S. southern border wall Trump was building, and there are more than 50 instances on video of the HYPOCRITE HARRIS saying how dumb the wall was and what a complete waste of money it was, and CNN just ran a piece on this. Wait, what?

Kamala “Kommie” Harris confesses to being a xenophobic bigot who hates all immigrants and wants to finish building Trump’s “racist” border wall

There are over 50 instances, on video and in Twitter posts, of Harris slamming Trump’s border wall, and now she suddenly claims she supports it. Is that because illegal immigration, next to the busted-up economy, is a top concern for nearly every voter in the country, whether coming from the Left or the Right? Certainly, she would flip-flop again, if she won the election, and leave the border wide open, as it is now. It’s simply “say anything” politics for the Left right now, as they are in desperation mode with the WORST political candidate for POTUS that there’s ever been in the history of this country, and NOBODY voted her into that slot (least amount of policy knowledge and least amount of votes).

Believe it or not, brand new Harris campaign ads feature Trump’s wall, a portion in Arizona, in the background of her bragging about how important it is to finish building. In her book, “The Truths We Hold,” she wrote, “But there was a bigger reason to oppose the border wall. A useless wall on the southern border would be nothing more than a symbol, a monument standing in opposition to not just everything I value, but to the fundamental values upon which this country was built… How could I vote to build what would be little more than a monument, designed to send the cold, hard message, ‘KEEP OUT’?”

Of course, the demonic Democrats spent years convoluting the Trump message that he wanted to keep ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS from walking into America, not legal immigrants who go through the proper steps and procedures to become an American citizen legally.

This goes beyond Kommie Harris simply criticizing certain features or aspects of the border wall. This goes far beyond calling Trump a xenophobe, racist, bigot, immigrant hater, white supremacist, dictator. Harris is now referring to herself as these things; by supporting the biggest monument (literally and figuratively speaking) she proclaimed 50 times was the ultimate testament to it. She said and posted that the border wall is “useless,” “unnecessary,” “wasteful,” “unrealistic,” a “vanity project,” a “stupid wall,” and a “misuse of taxpayer money.”

Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news about surviving and thriving through the Democrat-led government aggression full of hypocrisy and fake news media propaganda that comes at us every day now.

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