Monday, 28 October 2024

Comedian Jon Stewart exposes COVID-19 SCAMDEMIC in hilarious guest appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”

American comedian, liberal political commentator and "The Daily Show" host Jon Stewart had a hilarious guest appearance on "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," where he talked about how the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was caused and created by science and that it has scammed the public into believing that the virus came from bats.

Stewart noted that he has a great debt of gratitude to science. He said science has in many ways helped ease the suffering of the pandemic, which was also more than likely caused by science.

"What are you saying? So, there is a chance that this [virus] was created in a lab?" Colbert bantered.

This was immediately responded to by Stewart with, "A chance?"

He then hysterically recited a dialogue with an imaginary person saying, "Oh my God, there is a novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking Wuhan, China. What do we do?" He comedically answered himself with: "Oh no, we can ask the Wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab." He argued that the disease is the same name as the laboratory. "That’s just a little too weird, don't you think?"

He continued by saying he "asked" a scientist how the virus spread to people. Stewart funnily answered himself again, "Well, a pangolin kissed a turtle?" He was on a roll as he continued saying "Maybe a bat flew in the cloaca of the turkey and then it sneezed into my chili and now we all have coronavirus."

Colbert chimed in, volunteering a piece of information from the official narrative as to how COVID-19 originated: "It could be possible that they have a coronavirus laboratory in Wuhan to study the virus because, in Wuhan, there are a lot of novel coronavirus diseases because of the bat population there."

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This "enraged" Stewart as he answered sarcastically: "Sure. It's the only place you find bats. You won't find bats anywhere else. Oh wait, Austin, Texas has thousands of them that fly in the caves every night."

Stewart slams Dems for excusing Biden's obvious cognitive decline during the debate

Meanwhile, in a recent commentary on his show, Stewart blasted Democrats and the White House for creating excuses for what he described as a "shocking display of cognitive difficulty" by President Joe Biden during the presidential debate late last month.

"The point is, for a campaign based on honesty and decency, the spin about the debate appears to be blatant b-------, and the redemption tour hasn't gone that much better," Stewart said.

Stewart played a compilation of Biden clips in which the president read "pause" and "repeat the line" from a teleprompter, along with other lapses in memory, including the time he claimed to have spoken to a long-dead former president of France. According to the Comedy Central host, Biden's poor performance was "recognizable to, unfortunately, anybody who's dealt with aging parents, and it's a hard watch."

He then said that former President Donald Trump "delivered at the debate to expectation. We expect him to be f------ crazy. But Biden's performance and inability to articulate at times was stunning, like, I could not believe what I was watching."

"But then it got worse," Stewart went on. "Rather than respecting the American people and having an honest, at least partial, conversation about what we had all seen, we were told immediately, 'These are not the droids you're looking for.'"

He then streamed another compilation of Democrats making excuses for Biden's poor performance, blaming jet lag and a cold. Stewart noted that the president had been home from Europe for almost two weeks.

Biden has been facing calls to step down after the catastrophic debate. His allies have argued that Biden is already the nominee and voters have no choice but to back him given the threat of authoritarianism under Trump. But Stewart isn't buying it.

"'Get On Board Or Shut The F--- Up' is not a particularly compelling pro-democracy bumper sticker," he said.

Stewart disagrees with some of Biden's supporters' argument that it's too late to change candidates since there are only four months until the election.

"Four months is for-f-----g-ever," he said and put that timeframe into perspective, citing Britain which just held an election, and France, which had two in one month and even defeated fascism and "still had time to have an affair with Denmark." (Related: Prominent Democratic strategist says it's too late to talk about replacing Biden as party goes into full panic mode over disastrous debate performance.)

He said he's not calling Biden to drop out but wants the nation to "stress test" the situation to see what options emerge.

"Do you have any idea how thirsty Americans are for any hint of inspiration or leadership and a release from this choice of a megalomaniac and a suffocating gerontocracy," he said. "It is crushing our f------ spirits."

The COVID-19 Wuhan laboratory received millions from ex-White House Chief Medical Advisor Anthony Fauci. Watch this video.

This video is from the InfoWarSSideBand channel on

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WHISTLEBLOWER: CIA bribed its own agents to change their position regarding COVID-19 origins.

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Three scientists from Wuhan lab identified as first carriers of COVID-19.

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