Friday, 18 October 2024

DATA: 60% say media is 'enemy of the people,' 40% believe 'bloodbath' hoax

A disturbing 40 percent of surveyed Americans appear to believe the MeidasTouch/Biden campaign/corporate media hoax over President Trump’s use of the word “bloodbath” in Ohio last weekend, according to numbers released Friday by Rasmussen Reports.

(Article by Raheem J. Kassam republished from

Asked, “Former President Donald Trump recently said that it would be a “bloodbath” if he didn’t win in November. Which is more likely?” Respondents were asked to choose between:

  • He was talking about auto workers losing their jobs;
  • He was talking about widespread political violence by his supporters;

  • Not sure.
  • While 11 percent were not sure, a whopping 40 percent said they believe the hoax about political violence, which began with the far-left funded MeidasTouch Network, further peddled by the Biden campaign and wider U.S. media. While 49 percent saw through the lie, the fact that such a large swathe of America believed such an obvious hoax will no doubt be cause for concern within the Trump campaign.

    Women were more likely than men to believe the hoax (43-36 percent), while both younger (18-39-year-olds) and older (65+) were more likely than their middle-aged counterparts to fall for it. A stunning 46 percent of black voters fell for it, the only demographic in the poll where more people believed the lie than didn’t, except self-identified Democrats and liberals, amongst whom almost 70 percent told pollsters that Trump was ushering in violence.

    Further asked their views on the trustworthiness of the corporate media, 60 percent agreed with the phrase, “The media are the true enemy of the people,” with 36 percent disagreeing. A full 79 percent of Republicans agree with the statement, with that number sinking to 41 percent for Democrats.

    At the same time, 63 percent of likely U.S. voters told Rasmussen that the mainstream media’s coverage is likely dictated by the Biden campaign, with just 29 percent in disagreement. Even 50 percent of self-identifying Democrats said they believe this to be the case.

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