Monday, 28 October 2024

Deflation of a nation

As the 2020 presidential election was being stolen, I had no anticipation that the United States would remain. I have, for nearly four years, expected it all to come crashing down, but instead it has been maintained by minor victories here and there, minor losses here and there and frankly, I’m growing tired of it all.

(Article by T.L. Davis republished from

Oh, there have been plenty of causes to fight for or against, that’s part of the game. I’ve even seen the globalists who use the “green energy” fiction to push their agendas get stymied a time or two, their advances stalled and their desperation rising. They can’t inject us with the vaxx, that has been exposed as not only not suited to its purpose, but outright deadly in most cases, even if it only accelerates cancer, heart or brain issues. Instead, they’ve decided to infest our meat with it, our vegetables, our water. The only goal seems to be depopulation with enough crooked politicians to go along with them to force it on the people.

There seems to be no end to the tolerance of abuse that the American people will endure. That absolutely disheartens me, because if we serve as nothing other than victims of abuse and demonstrate our ability to take more and more of it every day, we are not the people I believed us to be. I know of a lot of fighters out there, but they are not focused, they are not banding together to fight back against any of it. There are a lot of different issues that keep us diffused and running in different directions, charging off to fight against all manner of evil, but all of them really come back to two issues, the border and the budget.

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Illegal immigration, the great replacement, is causing havoc in cities like New York, Chicago and Denver, but that havoc is only used by blue-state politicians to get more money from the federal government, i.e., you and me. They are also using it as an excuse to defund the police and other protection services the people deserve. We are funding it, the actual invasion and the maintenance of those illegals once here and paying for the damages they cause. Laken Riley is a victim, but only one of many, thousands, millions of such victims of the border issue, but it’s also a budget issue.

If the UN was not receiving the money with which they fund NGOs to facilitate the invasion, provide legal counsel to illegals on how to game the system and collect more benefits while dodging any legal responsibility for their crimes, it would slow down. If we cut funding to DHS and the FBI who have also facilitated this invasion, helped to fly illegals all over the US without having to show credentials that we all have to show to avail ourselves of the same facilities, we could end it.

“But, the DHS and FBI keep us safe from terrorism!” One might hear when proposing cutting their funding. That’s a lie. There is no national security where there is an open border, where the government is heavily invested in allowing anyone from anywhere to cross into the United States. Especially, when the DHS and FBI are knowingly allowing terrorists and likely enemy combatants access to the same points of entry. They say they are vetting these people, but we all know that’s a lie, so what is their purpose? They have no purpose and without purpose they need no funding.

I know, yes, sell that to your local congressman or senator and see how far it goes. That’s the whole point. The collapse of the United States that I expected with the stolen election has happened, but it wasn’t the explosion I expected, it was the soft deflation of a nation into a police state. Okay, nothing new there and pointing it out for the twelfth time does nothing to solve it.

The truth is that these illegals are here to wreak havoc if Trump is re-elected, to carry out terrorist attacks if we go to war with either China or Iran and to replace those dying of the vaxx for the commerce department. The representatives and senators are sold on the idea that this invasion needs to continue to support the level of funding they intend to maintain. It doesn’t matter that it’s ridiculous and easily refuted, they believe it and think the only way they can keep the money-machine running is with massive illegal immigration. That’s why even your good little Republican representative like Ronnie Jackson, TX 202-225-3706 will refuse to hinder the FBI or the DHS and allow the border to remain open. Since it’s the #1 issue today, they pretend to care about closing the border, but they will never vote for it unless secret funding for keeping it open is hidden in these continuing resolutions. That’s the whole purpose of continuing resolutions, it’s where they’re able to hide that they are funding everything they tell you they are fighting against.

I hope someday more of the people are willing to stand up and take on some of these issues directly, but we’ve proven that we are not those people anymore. Maybe we never were, but we need to be now. I’m not just talking about protesting, I’m talking about general strikes, refusals to allow some of this abuse.

The two things we can get behind right now, to try to work with the broken system we have, is to make it politically impossible to keep the border open and keep the current rate of spending. Everything I might suggest that would do some good would only be negated by those who fear discomfort. That’s part of the problem, so I always have to look for solutions that fit within the majority’s comfort level. That, right now, is calling your representative and telling them that nothing matters if they don’t close the border and cut spending by 1 trillion dollars. Everything else they say, everything else they work on is of no use until they achieve those two things. I’ve done this and I know the answers you will get, but I just reiterate those two things.

Christopher Wray warned us of the terrorist attacks he worries about. The fact that he facilitated those attacks will have to wait until they happen to pin on him. Understand that as this election grows closer and it becomes more and more likely that Trump will win, they’ll pull the worst, most egregious and treasonous acts that anyone has ever seen. They are at war with the people of the United States right now, but there will be a time when it goes kinetic and they will blame it all on terrorists. Terrorists that they escorted onto the battlefield. Terrorists that are making New York a battleground, getting us used to the idea of troops on the streets, but there will be a time when they will not be able to hide their participation in the battle against the people.

The Untied States no longer has the stellar military it once did. It no longer has the robust economy it once did. It no longer excels in education, medicine, food production, energy production or steel production. It’s imploding into a third-world nation, reliant on everyone else for its sustainability, all of its advantages being cast aside for societal transformation. It’s a nation willing to watch wheels fall off of passenger jets in order to claim victories for DEI. We’re a mess and no one can stop it, not for the whole country. While Ken Paxton and Gregg Abbott have done some good things for Texas and DeSantis has a chance to do something good for Florida, those are two states actually taking steps to protect their citizens from the federal government. That’s the only way. That’s the problem and ultimately the solution to all of our ills, recognizing the federal government and the dictatorship of the bureaucrats as the enemy, including and especially DHS and the FBI.

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