Thursday, 24 October 2024

Disgraced former RNC Chair Ronna Romney-McDaniel takes job as NBC News talking head

Former Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney-McDaniel has joined NBC News, and will begin contributing as an on-air talking head to all shows on the NBC News and MSNBC platforms.

(Article by Shane Trejo republished from

“It couldn’t be a more important moment to have a voice like Ronna’s on the team,” NBC News political chief Carrie Budoff Brown stated in a memo published by The New York Times, adding that Romney-McDaniel will provide “an insider’s perspective on national politics and the future of the Republican Party.”

Big League Politics reported about Romney-McDaniel’s delusional failed leadership as RNC Chairwoman, which culminated in loss after loss as Republicans were ill-prepared to deal with the predictable onslaught of Democrat voter fraud:

After a disastrous midterm election, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, the niece of despised RINO Mitt Romney, is refusing to take any accountability for her failures.

McDaniel appeared on Fox News where she defended the actions of the RNC and actually claimed that the midterms were a success because the Republicans narrowly retook Congress.

“We build the infrastructure. We do the voter registration, uhh, we are doing community centers and outreach. We build a road that the candidates drive on. We put the candidates in a position to win,” she said.

“I think, with the RNC’s record this cycle of turning out more than 4 million more Republicans, of winning statewide in almost every battleground state proves that the turnout worked. We just have to understand why one Republican won in a state and one didn’t, and that’s going to come down to messaging,” McDaniel continued.

“But I think from an RNC standpoint, we flipped the House and our ground game worked,” she added...

In a Politico article titled “The Inside Story of Michigan’s Fake Voter Fraud Scandal,” Tim Albert reported that McDaniel has privately expressed her doubts about any “scalable” voter fraud in Michigan, but that she still needs to “demonstrate a willingness to fight” for the president.

McDaniel had previously received the president’s endorsement to remain RNC chair, and as of now she has no serious challengers. But it is possible that a challenger will arise, such as Cory Gardner, a Republican senator from Colorado defeated on November 3 by Democrat John Hickenlooper. He is seen as part of the GOP establishment and, if he were to run, could force McDaniel to fully embrace her pre-Trump “establishment” image once again.

It should come as no surprise that Romney-McDaniel sold out to the fake news media now that she is a pariah in MAGA world. She never had any principles to begin with and was never anything more than a clueless figurehead for the globalists.

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