Saturday, 26 October 2024

Elon Musk releases Grok-1 LLM open source – Mike Adams about to release Neo in early April at Brighteon.AI

In a March 17, 2024, announcement, X.AI announced that it is doing an open-source release of Grok-1 LLM, described as Elon Musk's "314 billion parameter Mixture-of-Experts model trained from scratch by xAI."

By releasing the base model weights and network architecture of Grok-1, Musk's large language model (LLM) is now available to anyone to utilize for building an application.

In related news, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, will be releasing Neo (a 7 billion parameter open source LLM) in early April – more on that at Brighteon.AI.

"We are building and releasing non-commercial, free-to-use LLMs that are trained on an ever-expanding set of critical human knowledge about food, nutrition, farming, permaculture, herbs, indigenous medicine, alternative medicine, off-grid survival, sustainability and other critical knowledge areas that have kept human civilization alive," Adams says. (Related: We are building the infrastructure of human freedom… Brighteon.AI is the next launch that will put life-altering LLM technology into your hands for free.)

"Consider us to be a kind of 'Arctic seed bank' of human knowledge that the globalists are trying to eradicate from human history," the Health Ranger adds. "Brighteon.AI is one answer to coordinated censorship, and it allows users to stop relying on Google, pharma-funded corporate media or nefarious governments to provide you with (distorted) information."

Brighteon.AI and freedom

Concerning the Grok-1 release, it includes the raw base model checkpoint that concluded in October 2023, and is described as the "pre-training phase."

Human knowledge is under attack! Governments and powerful corporations are using censorship to wipe out humanity's knowledge base about nutrition, herbs, self-reliance, natural immunity, food production, preparedness and much more. We are preserving human knowledge using AI technology while building the infrastructure of human freedom. Learn about our free, non-commercial AI / LLM project here. Support our efforts to build the infrastructure of human freedom by shopping at, featuring lab-tested, certified organic, non-GMO foods and nutritional solutions.

"This means that the model is not fine-tuned for any specific application, such as dialogue," explains X.AI about how people can use it.

"We are releasing the weights and the architecture under the Apache 2.0 license. To get started with using the model, follow the instructions at"

The implementation of Grok-1 into Brighteon.AI will help to fight back against the Orwellian rule that has swept the world, especially since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic."

All independent information online is rapidly being "memory-holed" into the abyss, making it difficult, if not impossible, in some cases, for the public to access truthful information that has not been sanitized or altered in some way by those in power.

Adams warns that there is "an active campaign underway to hunt down and exterminate fundamental human knowledge" in everything from science and medicine to physiology, history, nutrition, finance, geopolitics and so much more.

"And the next step of these globalist, anti-human actors is to replace knowledge with 'anti-knowledge' – ideas that are opposite of reality (such as the claims that men can have babies or that carbon dioxide is bad for plants)," Adams warns.

Even before COVID, the establishment was trying to implement "fact-checking" and "misinformation" tools to deceive the public into believing that truthful information is false, and that their version of events is truth. Brighteon.AI will aim to combat this kind of authoritarian control over truth.

In the interest of natural health, which is where this website began, Brighteon.AI will serve as a helpful tool for protecting truth about natural health and wellness, herbal remedies, science pre-"global warming," toxic vaccines, the pharmaceutical industry and so much more.

"Here at the Consumer Wellness Center data science division, we believe that access to knowledge is a fundamental human right," explains Brighteon.AI. "And we aim to preserve human knowledge using the best technology available today."

"Google, on the other hand, weaponizes its search engine and YouTube platform to squelch human knowledge in an effort to keep everyone functionally illiterate, ignorant and obedience to globalist agendas. We reject Google's agenda of forced human ignorance."

If the powers that be can get away with it, they plan to control the entire world with AI. Learn more at

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