Tuesday, 08 October 2024

Europe launches food crisis WAR GAMES simulating an expected global food crisis

Is the world heading towards a major global food collapse? The governments of the European Union (EU) sure seem to think so.

As of right now, EU governments have begun conducting major food crisis war games simulations that predict serious food supply and logistics problems as soon as this year going into next year.

Besides the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on grain supplies, weather events like El Niño and La Niña and their impact on Latin American soy production are part of the simulations. The farmer-tractor protests across Europe are also included in the simulation mix.

Another major component of the EU's food crisis war games is the impact that a major pandemic, real or otherwise, can have on supply chains, i.e., what the world endured as a result of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic."

Last month in Brussels, a conference was held that envisioned a serious food shortage crisis in Europe this year. Some 60 EU and government officials, food security experts and industry representatives converged for two days to confront the very real possibility of a major food crisis event unfolding in a matter of months.

"Expect a level of chaos," warned Piotr Magnuszewski, a systems modeler and games developer who contributed to the gaming scenario component of the conference. "You may be confused at times and not have enough information."

(Related: It is expected that, come 2030, the world will face "severe cold and food shortages" due to a grand solar minimum.)

Europe used to be the best-fed continent on earth

To hear Europe and food crisis in the same sentence may come as a surprise to many, especially those who remember the good ol' days when Europe was the most prosperous and well-fed continent on earth.

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Things have obviously changed in recent years especially as the globalists who control the EU have set Europe down a dark and ugly path of collapse, including the collapse of its continental food supply.

For the food crisis simulation, the idea of "harvest failures" as soon as 2025 is presented as a possible real-life issue, starting in the coming months. Animal feed prices soar, livestock and fish production tumbles, and what little food remains is shipped overseas to the "highest bidders elsewhere."

Palm oil exports are cut dramatically, leaving just fake-butter margarine and low-quality bread for Europeans to eat.

"Allegations of corporate greed, disinformation, and conspiracy theories are spreading," the simulation poses as what it expects to occur.

"The cost of fertilizers and energy needed to grow crops and keep glasshouses running soared in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine," it continues, blaming much of the crisis on Russia, as usual.

As 2025 continues, the situation worsens as desperate people start robbing supermarkets, and very little police presence is on-site to stop them. Germans living in Europe's former economic powerhouse can no longer find fish or meat at grocery stores and the livestock industry collapses entirely.

"Meanwhile, the public's focus shifts to profiteering by commodity traders," the simulation continues, warning that people are eventually going to catch on to the fact that Wall Street greed and private central banking are largely the culprits of this full-scale collapse.

"Small farms fall like dominos, while attacks on immigrants begin to become more widespread. Is the EU a sinking ship?" someone asks in a video portion of the simulation.

Of course, the aftermath of the simulation presents ideas for how to stop or at least minimize the fallout from all this, one of the major ideas being that people need to shift away from eating meat and other "climate-polluting" things now so the shortages will feel less impactful later.

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