Sunday, 13 October 2024

Fani Willis ILLEGALLY recorded a phone call to kick off Trump investigation

The widely misunderstood phone call upon which Fani Willis' entire prosecution of Donald Trump rests was illegally recorded, we now know.

In their new book "Find Me the Votes: A Hard-Changing Georgia Prosecutor, a Rogue President and the Plot to Steal an American Election," Mike Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman lay bare the ugly truth about Willis' case, which could end up falling apart due to her illegal behavior.

Isikoff and Klaidman did not mean to destroy Willis' case, mind you. Isikoff is one of the original Russian collusion hoaxers who wrote articles about the deception to secure warrants for the FBI to spy on Republican presidential campaign advisers like Carter Page. The book, in other words, is meant to cast Willis in a glowing positive light.

What the book instead does is expose Willis for illegally recording a phone conversation, which she then used to launch a witch hunt against Trump. Since the call was admittedly illegally recorded, defendants now have a new avenue to challenge and possibly destroy the case.

"For years, the media and other Democrats have held up Willis as a brilliant and credible prosecutor of Republicans," writes Mollie Hemingway for The Federalist.

"The new book suffers from poor timing, with Willis and her lover accused of perjury, subornation of perjury, bribery, and kickbacks related to the prosecution. Willis could be removed from the prosecution as early as this week."

(Related: Evidence has also emerged to show that a Biden operative was inserted into the Fani Willis witch hunt against Trump.)

John C. Floyd, Willis' radical activist father founded Black Panthers of LA

The book contains other damning revelations including the sordid history of Willis' "onetime radical activist" father John C. Floyd, founder of the Black Panther Political Party of Los Angeles.

Floyd considered the police to be the "enemy" and an "occupying army" in the United States, having said of his Black Panthers party that its purpose and "political philosophy is black nationalism."

Prior to being placed on the FBI's Most Wanted list for purchasing the gun used to murder a Marin County, Calif., judge, Floyd took former Communist Party vice presidential nominee Angela Davis as his lover.

Willis' legacy is not much different as she was embroiled in all sorts of scandals involving attorneys she worked for. Those scandals including mortgage fraud, tipping off a drug dealer to an impending DEA raid, and crack dealing in America's inner cities.

Concerning the illegal phone call recording, this occurred just one day prior to Willis' first day on the job as Fulton County, Georgia's district attorney.

"The phone call had been dishonestly portrayed by Trump opponents, and Willis hoped that Raffensperger had been in Fulton County for the call, so she could prosecute Trump based on that false understanding of the call," Hemingway explains.

It turns out the phone call was recorded by someone, political activist Jordan Fuchs, who was not in Fulton County or even in Georgia at all, but rather in Florida. Fuchs, who serves as Raffensperger's chief of staff, recorded the call in the Sunshine State where it is illegal to record a call without all parties to the call consenting to its recording.

"She neither asked for nor received consent to record," Hemingway writes about Willis.

The conspiracy worsens from there with Fuchs sharing fabricated quotes with The Washington Post that later had to be retracted. Those fabricated quotes came from a phone call between Trump and someone in the elections office, and were used to impeach Trump.

"The problem for Fani Willis' political prosecution is that the book convincingly shows the entire prosecution rests on a piece of evidence that everyone now knows was illegally obtained – never mind that the evidence has also been completely misinterpreted," Hemingway says.

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