Wednesday, 15 January 2025

GENDER WARS: Irish teacher ARRESTED for refusing to address male student as “she/her”

Another educator's career was ruined after a male student in Ireland suffering from gender dysphoria complained that teacher Enoch Burke refused to refer to the student using "she" and "her" pronouns, resulting in Burke being arrested and imprisoned.

Burke, a Christian man, has been jailed three times over his refusal to play gender pronoun games with his students and coworkers. Burke's faith requires him to reject the mental delusions of LGBTs who often respond by bullying him as retribution.

The High Court in Dublin has ordered Burke to be committed for contempt after he appeared at Wilson's Hospital School in County Westmeath after being told via an injunction that he is prohibited from entering the premises.

Back in August 2022, the evangelical Christian was suspended from his job for refusing to use a transgender student's preferred gender pronouns. That suspension was later dismissed following appeal, and Burke will remain on the school's payroll until a ruling is issued.

(Related: Did you know that Joe Biden's 2024 Title IV revisions threaten to criminalize students who are caught "misgendering" their LGBTQ classmates?)

LGBTs persecuting normal people

On September 2, Justice Michael Quinn ruled that Burke remains in "ongoing contempt" of previous court orders demanding that he stay behind bars at Mountjoy Prison until he agrees to obey the Cult of LGBTQ and its demands.

Burke continues to argue that the school and the courts are trampling his religious rights by trying to force him to play the transgender pronoun game, which he refuses to do out of obedience to God.

"This is a mockery of justice," Burke told Justice Quinn, arguing that he is being punished by the state for his Christian beliefs.

Amazingly, Burke has thus far spent more than 400 days in prison with multiple previous incarcerations, all of which were predicated upon his refusal to refer to boys as "girls," and vice versa.

Burke's most recent release was back in June when the school where he teaches was closed for summer break. At the time, he released a video statement – watch below – explaining the toll his legal battle is taking on him and his family.

"I've been here for 400 days consecutively and two years of my life have been taken from me," Burke explains in the video.

"It's a sad place, Mountjoy Prison. A lot of very genuine people who have been let down, I would say, by the state, by the government, and in some cases by the courts."

Wilson Hospital School, a boarding school located about 55 miles (88 kilometers) west of Dublin is historically part of the Church of Ireland. The school still claims to honor its Church of Ireland heritage by "fostering Christian practice and teaching."

How can this be true, though, when Burke, a Christian himself, is being persecuted by the Wilson Hospital School and some of its students?

When the summer break ended and Burke returned to class on August 22, the Wilson Hospital School board tried to get him arrested again – so much for "fostering Christian practice and teaching," eh?

Burke is continuing to fight the false allegations against him and continues to try to battle his way out of persecution with an appeal. The school's leadership, meanwhile, is arguing that Burke's mere presence on campus is disruptive to both staff and students and that he must be removed immediately.

The world economy is currently in the throes of what appears to be an impending total collapse but LGBT extremists are much more concerned about policing the pronouns that other people choose to use in reference to them – can you say misplaced priorities and hypocrisy? Learn more at

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