Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Green terrorists are stealing property in America’s heartland to build massive CO2 pipeline terraforming machines for destruction of photosynthesis on Earth

Summit Carbon Solutions is back at it in Iowa trying to steal private farmland for use in its massive "carbon capture" scam.

The Iowa Utility Board (IUB) reportedly approved a proposal by Summit to build a carbon dioxide (CO2) pipeline that stretches across five Midwestern states: Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota. The pipeline is slated to cover 2,500 miles – the portion in Iowa is supposed to be 680 miles long – and connect with 57 ethanol plants, a spokeswoman from the company revealed.

The IUB decision will allow Summit to use eminent domain to steal 859 land parcels from private landowners, the vast majority of whom are opposed to the "green" project, which aims to bury CO2 underground so it cannot "pollute" the environment.

"After weighing numerous factors for and against Summit Carbon's petition, the Board found that the service to be provided by Summit Carbon will promote the public convenience and necessity," UIB said in its decision.

(Related: Don't be fooled, conservatives – many Republican politicians are selling out farmers to these "green" energy scams.)

CO2 pipelines are money-grubbing scams – and they're probably unconstitutional

There are conditions attached to the approval that include forcing Summit to submit revised exhibits for IUB review. Summit will also have to:

1) Obtain and maintain at least a $100 million insurance policy

2) Adhere to specific construction methods

3) Ensure compensation for landowners and tenants for any construction-related damages

4) Receive approval from the other four states involved in the project

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"The momentum will continue as we prepare to file our South Dakota permit application in early July," said Summit CEO Lee Blank. "We look forward to engaging with the state throughout this process and are confident in a successful outcome."

Those opposed to the project, including hordes of private landowners, say Summit's CO2 pipeline will only benefit the company while providing no benefits to the public.

"There is a deep-rooted passion for our farm ground in many farmers, and to have something like this rip it apart for something so unnecessary is unimaginable," said Austin Hayek, a farmer from Fort Dodge, Iowa, who like many of his neighbors fears the pipeline will disrupt his ability to maintain and pass down his farming legacy to the next generation.

Like with all other green scams, carbon pipelines would not even be possible were it not for federal tax credits paid for by U.S. taxpayers. Electric vehicles (EVs), solar panels, carbon pipelines and all the rest exist because of taxpayer-funded subsidies and other benefits not afforded to other industries.

"This is far from over," commented Jess Mazour, chapter conservation coordinator of the Sierra Club of Iowa, about the UIB approval. "We will appeal this decision and make our arguments in front of a fair decision maker."

In May 2023, a South Dakota farmer named Jared Bossly won his case against Summit, this being a little silver lining to the whole fiasco. On X, someone wrote that threatened farmers in all of the affected states need to file their own lawsuits against Summit.

"Every farmer needs to post signs with this exact verbiage on their property," she wrote about the following statement to be posted on farms:

"NO TRESPASSING: Trespassers will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law – No immunity for criminal trespass by government parties."

Another pointed out just how far America is falling from grace when private companies can successfully declare eminent domain on other people's private property.

Unless Americans take a stand against these kinds of projects, our entire country will eventually be taken over by green tyrants. Learn more at

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