Wednesday, 23 October 2024

House Republicans declare Biden “unfit,” accuse Democrats of mental decline “coverup”

House Republican Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik and her colleagues convened this week to discuss the panic and chaos that erupted after Joe Biden's public display of late-stage mental decline during his recent CNN debate with Donald Trump.

At their meeting, House GOP leaders declared Biden "unfit" for office while accusing his handlers, funders, supporters and puppet masters of engaging in a "coverup" of his dismal mental state – watch the video below:

According to Stefanik and her colleagues, both far-left Democrats and the mainstream media "are in complete disarray because they have been caught participating in one of the greatest coverups in American history."

In an attempt to save the republic from another election heist, House Republicans are pushing the SAVE Act, which would bar illegal aliens from voting in the upcoming election, as well as all future elections. Democrats say the legislation is unnecessary because illegals are already prohibited from voting while Republicans insist illegals are already voting in violation of the law.

"There is no longer any doubt that Joe Biden is unfit to be our Commander-in-Chief," Stefanik said at the gathering.

"For the last three and half years, House Republicans and the American people have been demanding details about Joe Biden's mental and physical decline, but every time we raised these legitimate concerns, far-left Democrats and their loyal stenographers in the mainstream media rushed to Biden's defense, claiming that the clearly diminished Joe Biden was as sharp as ever and accusing us of peddling conspiracy theories. The coverup is over, and accountability is here."

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(Related: Senate Democrats, European leaders, Democrat donors, voters and many others want Biden gone because "he can't win" and is too old and sickly to serve.)

Why do they want decrepit Biden in office so badly?

It is no longer a secret that Biden is simply too old to do any of the things that are required of him while in the White House. Heck, the guy can barely walk down a flight of stairs without getting confused while trying to shake an invisible person's hand and mumbling gibberish.

Why, then, does the deep state want Biden in office so badly? The answer is simple: he is an easy puppet to manipulate, not only because of his apparent advanced dementia but also because his handlers and groomers have lots of dirt on the Biden Crime Family that makes them easy to blackmail and control.

"For years, House Republicans have known that Joe Biden is unfit for office," Stefanik said. "We also know that he will go to any lengths to maintain his grip on power. This is why it is so crucial that we take every possible measure to ensure that the 2024 presidential election is free from election interference and is constitutional."

"As part of that ongoing effort, House Republicans are bringing to the floor this week Congressman Chip Roy's Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act which requires individuals to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections. Not surprisingly, the Biden White House, whose far-left open border agenda has let in millions – over 10 million – illegal immigrants, is against our bill. This is a very simple and logical concept rooted in the Constitution. Only American citizens should vote in American elections."

The same House GOP leaders are also working to stop Biden's radical agenda to change Title IX to allow biological males who think they are "transwomen" to participate in women's sports and use women's spaces.

Will Biden make it to November? Will there be another election heist like in 2020? Find out more at

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