Thursday, 24 October 2024

Key Democrat donors threatening to PULL THE PLUG on party if Biden doesn’t resign: “How stupid do they think we are?”

The Democrat Party is imploding on itself as key donors threaten to shut the whole thing down unless Joe Biden resigns and agrees not to run on the 2024 presidential ticket.

According to reports, Biden's embarrassingly feeble debate performance has unleashed an intra-party revolt with one side demanding that Biden be replaced with someone else.

"For Biden's own good and the good of the country, he should step aside immediately," said former hedge fund manager and major Democratic donor Whitney Tilson who in recent years has flushed more than $300,000 into Democrat coffers.

"The fact that it has now been three days and Biden has done nothing to reassure us confirms my worst fears."

At a recent New York fundraiser appearance following the debate, Biden read a simple 15-minute speech off a teleprompter before leaving the event without taking any questions.

"Doing that for the next five months is not going to be enough," said a fundraiser guest about Biden's dismal presentation and bizarre behavior during his speech.

(Related: House Speaker Mike Johnson wants Biden removed from office immediately.)

Democrats are eating their own in panicked post-debate frenzy

Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman Jaime Harrison and Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez held a conference call with various members of the DNC after the fact for damage control and cleanup.

"The call was akin to a rah-rah speech," said North Carolina party member John Verdejo about the call, which conveniently failed to address the "elephant in the room," i.e., Biden's inability to speak clearly when addressing the nation.

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Others were even more upset at the refusal of the conference call organizers to admit that there is anything wrong with Biden when there obviously is something wrong with Biden.

"On every metric that matters, data shows [the debate] did nothing to change the American people's perception," claimed Jen O'Malley Dillon, chair of the Biden-Harris 2024 campaign, in a memo that almost nobody is accepting as truth.

"The data!?" tweeted Mike LaRosa, the former press secretary to First Lady Jill Biden. "If there is data that counters the impact of what we all saw then WHERE THE HELL IS IT???"

"They're p***ing on our legs and telling us it's raining," added Tilson about the lunacy of the official DNC line. "It's insulting. How stupid do they think we are?"

A CBS News / YouGov poll conducted in the 48-hour period following the debate found that a shocking 72 percent of registered voters no longer believe that Biden has the "mental and cognitive health to serve as president." This is up from 65 percent back in early June.

As all of this was happening, Biden remained "holed up" at Camp David with his family whom he gathered with right after the debate for a fashion photoshoot with celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz.

Upon returning to the White House later that evening after the photoshoot, Biden made brief comments about the Supreme Court's presidential immunity ruling before leaving the podium, once again without taking any questions.

"Are you going to drop out?" one reporter was heard yelling at Biden from the press pool, to which Biden did not respond.

One member of the House of Representatives commented that everyone in Congress is now "waiting to see what the president is going to do and say" in order to figure out how to proceed.

"I think the president himself needs to be doing some major reach-out to congressional leaders," the member added.

"The donors are the canaries in the political coal mine," added Brett Bruen, a former Obama White House adviser.

"As polls in the last day have indicated, there are reverberations from Biden's performance up and down the ticket." The notion that it gets messy if Biden steps aside overlooks the fact that it's already a big mess."

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