Monday, 21 October 2024

LOST IN TRANSLATION: Dementia sets in deeper as Dark Brandon asks permission to speak, even though he is supposedly the president

"Am I allowed to answer questions?" "Which way do I walk?" "Where are we?" "What year is this?" "Who's sitting next to me in this interview again?" "What's the vice-president's name again?" "Where is Jill to help me with this?" "Is anybody here? (talking into his own earpiece as he waits for his handlers to give him simple directions). These are questions you see and hear Resident Biden ask whenever he interviews with someone or finishes a teleprompter reading at the podium.

The supposed leader of the free world is suffering from early-to-mid-stage dementia, but since he's just a puppet anyway, with strings being pulled by Obama and the globalists, the Left doesn't care, at all. "Anyone but Trump," they say, but for how long? That's the real question.

Never in the history of the United States has a president been more lost, demented, perverted and confused than Dark Brandon

Constantly tripping over words, stairs and thoughts is Dark Brandon, the guy who supposedly received 80 million votes for POTUS just three years ago. This is the same senile gent who tells fake stories about his efforts in the Civil Rights movement, his son dying in a war, and his long prominent history of being a professor at many colleges (he never was one at all). This is the man who is not allowed by his handlers to speak off script, because he botches it every time, adding to the list of pathetic bloopers.

Dark Brandon is so demented and perverted that he forgets the world is watching when he creeps up to all the preteen girls and babies to sniff their hair, kiss their faces and fondle their bodies (as they all pull away in horror).

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It's called "Operation Bubble Wrap," as his wife Jill and countless White House staffers shield him from off-script media interactions, keeping him in a protected bubble where they can limit his gaffs, lies and embarrassing moments. The dementia-stricken, robotic C-3PO-Biden walks stiff, turns like a droid, holds his arms and hands like a puppet and speaks in slurred and blurred sentences nobody can understand. His handlers use shortened stairs, flashlights and verbal warnings to guide and cue him back into looking, acting and speaking "normal" the best they can. It's a major, concerted effort, all day, every day.

Removal, replacement or continued embarrassment? What is the next step for addressing Biden's deep-state-of-dementia?

Dark Brandon delves into deep, dark states of anger in his fits of rage, especially when a reporter asks about his crackhead son Hunter, or about his own debilitating state of mind. It's hard to believe that the Democrats and Globalists can't find anyone better suited for the job, or maybe they simply don't want one. After all, it's hard to forget George Frat-Boy "W" Bush, who gave speeches about "Evil Do'ers" after 9/11. He too was a pawn who simply did what he was told, read the script and enjoyed the show.

Unfortunately, nobody can ever forget or "un-hear" Biden's botched version of the Declaration of Independence, where he said during his speech in Texas (Democrats call it a rally), and this is a direct quote, "We hold these truths to be slelf-levident. All men and women are created, by the, go, you know, you know, the thing." Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news about surviving demented Biden and his communist cohorts – the cabal of insurgents and domestic terrorists who occupy the nation's capital right now.

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