Thursday, 10 October 2024

Major U.S. corporations are relying on illegal migrants for cheap labor

Many Americans are under the impression that people who enter the country illegally do not have the right to work here, but a federal government loophole facilitated by the Biden administration means that all illegal immigrants are permitted to work in the U.S. while awaiting their asylum or deportation proceedings – a process that can take as long as five years.

This helps explain why and how all of the new jobs created in this country since 2018 have gone to foreign-born workers and has effectively flooded the American labor market with millions of legally eligible workers who have no bargaining power when it comes to their wages because they are illegal immigrants.

Their employment pursuits have been facilitated by a non-governmental organization known as the Tent Partnership for Refugees, according to a report by Zero Hedge. Founded by Hamdi Ulukaya, the Turkish billionaire who serves as the CEO of Chobani yogurt, this NGO is made up of 400 major multinational corporations, many of which will be very familiar to Americans and all of which have committed to hiring "refugees."

Some of the companies that are taking part in the Tent Partnership for Refugees include Delta Airlines, Etsy, Bloomberg, Door Dash, Shopify and Red Roof Inn.

Tyson hired tens of thousands of migrants and is seeking more

Another company that is working with the group is Tyson Foods, who is looking to hire tens of thousands of migrants through the Tent Partnership. The meat packing company, which already counts 42,000 migrants as part of its 120,000-employee workforce, has made no secret of the fact that it's looking to hire even more migrants to support its business.

Bloomberg reports that the company once hired 17 asylum seekers in a single day for roles at its plant in Tennessee and hired another 70 a short time later. The workers came from countries such as Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela.

According to Tyson, many Americans are unwilling to do the type of roles they are filling in their factories, such as washing meats, placing cuts of meats into trays to be packaged, and carrying out final inspections of meat for bones before it is sold. They report that around 40% of the people occupying these roles leave their position every year.

The employees who fill these positions make a starting wage of $16.50 per hour plus benefits, and the workers are offered transportation, on-site childcare and English classes. The company has been offering new migrant employees from New York temporary housing, paid time off and relocation stipends.

Tyson’s Garrett Dolan said: "We would like to employ another 42,000 if we could find them."

He added: "We're recognizing there's not a lot of people that are going to be working labor-manufacturing jobs that are American" and said that a significant percentage of their new hires "are going to come from refugees and immigrants, so we're now in the business of strategically thinking that through."

However, the NGO also has a relationship with the Biden administration. In late 2022, Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed a memorandum of understanding with the NGO to “expand economic opportunity for refugees” within the private sector.

Last year, New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced that her state identified more than 18,000 open job positions with 379 employers who would be willing to hire migrants and asylum seekers in the state. Many of the roles were in food services, social assistance, administrative support and manufacturing. More recently, she has pushed a plan that will prioritize hiring illegal aliens for certain state jobs by scrapping requirements such as a high school diploma and the civil service exam.

These illegals will affect congressional reapportionment, support Democrats and vote for them in elections once they are allowed (and possibly even before then, if past elections are any indication), and that is certainly a huge factor in the Biden administration's willingness to look the other way as the migrant invasion takes over the U.S., but it can also be argued that acquiring cheap labor and inflating employment statistics is another big motivation.

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