Friday, 11 October 2024

OpenAI names three new board members ' ALL of them are linked to nefarious globalist agendas

Things are changing – or not – at OpenAI after it was announced that three new board members have been appointed to steer the company.

The reason we say things are not actually changing, despite these three new appointments, is because all of them are globalist hacks pushing the same dystopian agenda as always.

One of them, Sue Desmond-Hellmann, is also a board member of Pfizer and former CEO of the eugenics-pushing Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation, while another, Nicole Seligman, was a senior executive and corporate lawyer at Sony, the same company involved in Michael Jackson's death.

"Oh, and she also represented both Clintons and Oliver North on the Iran Contra scandal," added Ian Carroll, an open-source intelligence (OSINT) journalist about Seligman.

Fidji Simo, CEO and Chairman of Instacart, is now on OpenAI's board. And lastly, none other than Sam Altman is back on the OpenAI board as well to complete the transition.

"And still no word on why Larry Summers has a board seat, one of the most vile and corrupt stooges of big banking in the past 100 years," Carroll further tweeted. "Yeah, I'm sure OpenAI has only the best intentions though..."

(Related: Earlier this year, The New York Times sued Microsoft and OpenAI for AI copyright infringement.)

X, another bastion of globalism

On X, Altman welcomed all of the new team members "for being resilient and staying focused during a challenging time" in the company's growth phase.

In response to the news, someone on X noted that Elon Musk did the same thing when he appointed World Economic Forum (WEF) hack Linda Yaccarino, formerly an executive at NBCUniversal, to steer the former Twitter ship.

"I am excited to welcome Linda Yaccarino as the new CEO of Twitter!" Musk excitedly wrote after her appointment.

Another asked if perhaps Musk is a double agent, seeing as how his interests "strangely align" with the WEF's, "which is odd."

"He's saying all the right things though, which makes it slightly more interesting," this person tried to argue. "We'll see in Act 3 if he's been the bad guy all along."

When another was asked what Musk and the WEF align on, she responded with:

"Attaining sustainable energy and stopping carbon emissions and transhumanism through Neuralink chip implants."

"When will enough be enough for the American people?" asked someone else about how bad things have to get before Americans do something about the globalist takeover of their country and the internet.

"This world is going through an existential crisis," responded another. "It's like finding out your teacher parents are actually spies, pedophiles, human traffickers and sadists."

Others noted that OpenAI is "a monopoly disaster" that should be sued "for being closed and for-profit."

"They're frauds," one stated.

By the way, Brighteon.AI is on the way to help combat all this by decentralizing and preserving human knowledge before it is all sucked into the globalist vacuum and disposed of entirely.

Brighteon.AI will be free of charge, allowing users to download the program on their computer to use even if the internet is down. Brighteon.AI will allow users to find quick and easy answers to questions they might have about all sorts of topics ranging from health to business to liberty.

ur mission is to empower, uplift and defend the lives of every human being across our planet, and we're doing it by building the infrastructure of human freedom. Find out about how we're doing this using cutting-edge AI technology at this link. Support our ongoing efforts by shopping at, and thank you for your support!

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