Friday, 20 September 2024

Republican-led House votes to sanction ICC for investigating Israeli war crimes in Gaza

Zionist politicians in the United States Congress are taking aim at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for seeking arrest warrants for both Israeli and Hamas leaders.

Led by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), the GOP-led House of Representatives voted to sanction the ICC for seeking to hold Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and three top Hamas leaders accountable for committing war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

"The idea that they would issue an arrest warrant for the prime minister of Israel, defense minister of Israel at the time where they're fighting for their nation's very existence against the evil of Hamas as a proxy of Iran is unconscionable to us," Johnson complained on behalf of himself and the rest of the Republican cohort.

"As I said a couple weeks ago, the ICC has to be punished for this action."

Every single Republican and 42 pro-Israel Democrats voted 247 to 155 to punish the ICC. Most of President Biden's party voted no on the proposal because they oppose the sanctions.

Sponsored by Rep. Chip Roy (R-Tex.), the sanction bill will impose travel and financial sanctions on ICC officials in retaliation for their issuance of arrest warrants that force Netanyahu and Gallant to stay in Israel if they want to remain free. The legislation also gives the U.S. president unilateral authority to stop the sanctions the moment the court stops investigating Americans and their allies, as well as when ICC officials start playing by the globalist narrative.

(Related: Congress is simply following through with earlier threats against the ICC with all these theatrics.)

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ICC sanctions legislation unlikely to be passed by the Senate, signed by Biden

Some Democrats indicated that they voted no on the sanctions because they could impact some of Washington's allies, many of which have ratified the Rome Statute and accepted the ICC's jurisdiction. The U.S., meanwhile, is not bound by the Rome Statute, nor is Israel.

"It would sanction the leaders of some of our strongest allies: the UK, Italy, Germany, Japan," commented Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.) who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

"That's dangerous stuff. It's so broad that it becomes very dangerous for us."

Supporters of the bill both from the left and from the right say its passage is important because it will "send an important message" to the entire world that the U.S. stands with Israel. Remember, though, that the Democrat-majority Senate still has to pass it and Biden still has to sign it, which is unlikely to happen.

As such, the legislation is more of a symbol than it is actual law, especially since we know that the Biden regime is not too keen on what is going on in Gaza right now.

All of this political outrage is hypocritical in that these same politicians had no problem with the courts going after Russian President Vladimir Putin last year. The GOP really is jumping the shark on this one.

"There is Roman law, there is common law," commented Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Telegram following the House vote. "And there is American law – decadent arthouse, transitioning into liberal postmodern bipolarity."

In the comments over at RT, someone suggested that all members of Congress who voted in favor of sanctioning the ICC should be added to the arrest warrant list.

"Technically, they should all be on it already for their support of Israel's crimes to date," this person added.

Another person agreed, adding that these same members of Congress are "interfering with the course of justice and its investigation into possible war crimes."

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