Friday, 17 January 2025

Rogan rips mainstream media for failure to cover ‘real numbers’ of people injured, killed by COVID shots

In his latest podcast, Joe Rogan called out the mainstream media for failing to report on the injuries and deaths linked to COVID-19 vaccines.

(Article by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. republished from

Rogan didn’t hold back from using strong language to make his point to viewers of Wednesday’s episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience.” He said:

“We don’t even know what the real numbers are because it’s not something the mainstream media covers — probably because they’ve all been vaccinated and they’re probably freaking the f*%# out.”

Rogan’s guest, Bret Weinstein, Ph.D., also called out the pharmaceutical industry and its governmental regulators for generating wealth for themselves at the expense of children’s health.

It’s hard for “kind, intelligent” people to imagine that there are people who “are willing to profit off of injecting babies with things that may very well f*$% them up for the rest of their life,” Rogan told Weinstein.

Most people think “there’s no way anyone’s that evil,” Rogan said. “Then when you start looking into the evidence.”

He added, “You read ‘Turtles All The Way Down’ or ‘Dissolving Illusions’ and it’s just like wait, wait, wait.”

“Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth” was edited by Children’s Health Defense CEO Mary Holland and Publishing Coordinator Zoey O’Toole. “Dissolving Illusions: Diseases, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History” is by Dr. Suzanne Humphries.

People injured by COVID shot who spoke out were attacked

Weinstein, co-host of the “The DarkHorse Podcast,” and Rogan debunked the myth that vaccines are responsible for saving people’s lives, historically and in the present.

They discussed why mRNA vaccines, such as the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 shots, are harmful to human health and how problematic it is that Big Pharma continues to push vaccines.

Rogan recalled how people like musician Eric Clapton, who was injured by the COVID-19 vaccine, were attacked when they spoke out about their experience. Clapton was called “the most hurtful of words,” Rogan recalled.

Weinstein said he thinks the terrible treatment of those injured by the COVID-19 vaccines was a way to gaslight them.

“The gaslighting of the [vaccine] injured is insane,” Weinstein said. “How is it that someone who suffers an adverse event is not entitled to our compassion?”

Weinstein: mRNA vaccine platform is Big Pharma’s ‘cash cow’

Rogan and Weinstein explained why they think the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded as it did.

In Weinstein’s view, the pharmaceutical industry needed a public health emergency that would legitimize and normalize using mRNA vaccine technology — which Weinstein considers to be very dangerous — on the general population.

“Their real goal,” Weinstein told Rogan, “was to normalize the use of a gene therapy on a population that had never had that idea placed in its mind.”

They called the new gene therapy a “vaccine” since most people believed vaccines were historically beneficial and thus could be trusted.

Now that many people have accepted the idea of getting an mRNA injection, the industry can use the mRNA platform to “reformulate every vaccine they’ve got to create a bunch of new vaccines.”

Weinstein estimated the profits from doing this would be in the trillions.

Vaccines, gain-of-function research and more

Rogan and Weinstein’s dialogue — which lasted over three hours — covered a wide range of complex subjects. Topics included:

  • 3:30: How the mainstream media doesn’t tell the public the whole story.
  • 5:00: U.S. elections and voter fraud.
  • 8:45: Pro-vaccine advocates who shamed the unvaccinated are now dead from vaccine injury.
  • 16:25: Current U.S. presidential race politics.
  • 25:11: Criticism of an article in The New York Times that suggested the U.S. Constitution might be dangerous.
  • 41:14: UFOs.
  • 1:10:20: Why our current medical standpoint is flawed.
  • 1:13:12: Many doctors who took the COVID-19 vaccine and told their patients to take it are now injured.
  • 1:16:30: Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as effective treatments for COVID-19.
  • 1:18:33: Dr. Pierre Kory lost his license “doing his job.”
  • 1:29:30: How the federal government colludes with Big Pharma, why Congress passed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, and the “tremendous amount of evil … from that fateful decision, including the proliferation of the childhood vaccine schedule.”
  • 1:46:31: Multiple mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations alter people’s immune systems.
  • 1:55:31: Gain-of-function research and why it’s a problem.
  • 2:13:28: Self-replicating mRNA vaccines.
  • 2:32:20: The importance of free speech and the “unity movement” in the U.S. which emphasizes that “We love our children more than we hate each other.”
  • Watch ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’ here:

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