This sermon, part of the 100 Sermons series for the Church of Natural Abundance, was based on the Book of Revelation. According to the Bible nutrition educator, God will unleash comets as large area of effect weapons to destroy entire cities that have turned evil.
In the same manner, God is using comets or meteors as precision weapons to destroy cities, kingdoms, nations or planets – similar to ballistic or cruise missiles. He has unlimited amounts of these giant space rocks at His disposal to use against evil.
"In other words, God uses comets to defeat and destroy evil," Adams said, noting the destruction coming upon Babylon. He believes New York City is the modern-day equivalent of the Babylon mentioned in the book of Revelation. (Related: Sermon 56: Mike Adams discusses the biblical COSMIC IMPACTS prophesied to reset Earth.)
Comets are God's weapons against wickedness and evil
One passage in Revelation mentions a "white horse," but Adams said this translates to a giant white comet in God's artillery against the Beast and its allied armies. Whatever was left of mankind's armies had gathered together and declared war on God who has been hammering Earth with comets. But this white comet will be sent to Earth as a final blow to defeat evil and destroy wickedness.
After the impact of the great white comet, the Beast and the False Prophet will both be captured and cast alive into the lake of fire and brimstone. The False Prophet worked signs in the Beast's presence, deceiving people who received the Mark of the Beast and worshiped its image.
The lake of fire is the giant gaping hole on Earth that falls into the inner magma. According to Adams, the lake of fire where the Beast and False Prophet will be thrown into would look like a pool of deep liquid fire churning under intense pressure and heat.
Another passage in the book mentions a giant comet, this time represented by an angel who will lock up Satan in the bottomless pit. Satan, also known as the dragon and the serpent of old, will be bound and cast in the pit so that he would not be able to deceive the nations until the thousand-year reign of Christ and His saints are finished.
Adams explained that in this passage, God sends a comet to defeat the remaining military empires on Earth. He then throws Satan into Earth's inner magma, where he will stay for 1,000 years. Meanwhile, the martyrs and the good people who refused to bow down before the Beast or receive its mark will reign with Christ for that period of time.
When the millennium ends, Satan will be released from prison. The dragon will then go out to deceive the nations, gathering them together in a final battle against Christ and the saints – the Armageddon. But God will rain fire from heaven and destroy them all.
At the end of the battle, the dragon will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, joining the Beast and the false prophet in torment forever. These comets, Adams concluded, will destroy not only the old world – but also the artificial wicked world of man.
Follow CosmicImpacts.com for more news about comets and other heavenly bodies.
Listen to the 63rd sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about how God's comets will defeat the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet.
This video is from the Abundance Church channel on Brighteon.com.
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Mike Adams Sermon 89: GOD'S JUDGMENT upon the WICKED.
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The "Comet of the Century" is here – Has God put it there to be a "sign in the heavens?"
Sources include:
BibleGateway.com 1
BibleGateway.com 2
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