Monday, 14 October 2024

Transgender pedophile arrested for production, distribution and possession of child pornography

A trans-identified male and recidivist pedophile has been arrested for the second time and charged with possession of child pornography in Quebec, Canada.

In 2020, the 39-year-old Krystel Lauzon faced similar charges, but the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic ceased the proceedings until 2022. He was then sentenced to four years in prison after pleading guilty to charges of production, distribution and possession of child pornography.

However, Lauzon was released late last year.

A few months after he was released from prison, Lauzon was again arrested on Jan. 22 after the Internet Sexual Exploitation of Children Investigation Team conducted a search operation in his home and took his computer for analysis.

According to Reduxx, a pro-woman and pro-child-safeguarding independent news and opinion site, Lauzon owns several social media profiles with disturbing content.

Lauzon appears to have an obsession with sissification or sissy porn – a pornography genre that depicts men or boys "transitioning" into young women or underage girls. Lauzon shared posts with a genre called "sissy captions," wherein pictures usually show women in fetish gear or cute dresses, with words implying they are biologically male. The images do not explicitly use the word pornography to avoid censorship on platforms like Facebook. (Related: PEDO PLATFORM: Instagram’s algorithms promote a “vast pedophile network,” report reveals.)

Moreover, he also shared sexual photos of young women and teenage girls.

Pedophiles disguising as transgenders to prey on unsuspecting victims

Lauzon's issue is not an isolated case in Canada – thanks to the global push for transgenderism.

Last year, Laverne Travis Waskahat, a violent transgender pedophile with an extensive history of criminal liabilities in Alberta, was re-arrested 72 hours after he was released from prison for possession of a baby crib, diapers, alleged pornographic drawings, a laptop and child sexual abuse materials. Edmonton Police Service states that Waskahat's convictions include possessing, making and publishing child pornography involving infants under three years old.

Past public notices reveal stringent conditions imposed on Waskahat, including a curfew, a ban on internet access devices and restrictions on consuming and viewing explicit content involving children.

In 2019, Waskahat was convicted on charges related to accessing pornography of infants in diapers. Initial court entries used "male pronouns" but they were later updated when Waskahat was identified as a "transgender woman." Subsequent police releases referred to Waskahat using "she/her" pronouns.

Another transgender child rapist and serial sex offender, Patrick Pearsall, also known as Tara Pearsall and Passion-Star Royale, made headlines in January after he was released into a community-based facility in Ontario.

He was then diagnosed with factitious disorder, a mental disorder that involves the falsification of physical or psychological signs or symptoms, for making false claims of being HIV positive, diabetic and a sufferer of chronic leukemia. He also claimed back then that he was a member of the British royal family and the Hells Angels gang.

Pearsall has been preying on young girls since 1999, using a similar deceitful approach. During those years, he usually impersonated medical professionals like licensed gynecologists to perform vaginal exams and even have sexual intercourse with unsuspecting victims.

In 2018, Pearsall was handed a fixed 10-year sentence following a conviction for two sexual assaults and was placed on the Sex Offender Registry. However he started declaring a female identity a few years later and was therefore sent to serve his sentence at the Milton-Vanier Center for Women.

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Watch the full conversation between Mel K and Charlie Robinson regarding the transgender movement below.

This video is from the The Mel K Show channel on

More related stories:

WHO appoints former prostitute, other transgender activists to transgender task force.

"White hat" hacker dismantles world’s largest pedophile ring, sends child rapists to prison.

Charlie Robinson: $2B transgender industry permanently destroying kids.

Homeless convicted pedophile arrested after camping near San Francisco school and offering "free fentanyl for new users."

Even some LGBT activists are disturbed by the devastating impact transgender mania has on children.

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