Friday, 10 January 2025

Childhood Autism Rates Have Surged 2,678% Since Vaccine Makers Gained Legal Immunity

Since vaccine manufacturers were granted liability protection in 1986, childhood autism rates have skyrocketed by an incredible 2.678%. Despite this alarming increase, regulators and vaccine makers continue to deny that there any connection to vaccinations.

In the 1980s, autism affected roughly 1 in 1,000 children; today, CDC estimates place that figure at around 1 in 36, with a new study suggesting the true rate may be closer to 1 in 33 among US children aged 5 to 8.

Published in JAMA Network Open, the new study analyzed health records of over 12 million Americans from 2011 to 2022 and uncovered a 175% increase in autism diagnoses within that timeframe alone. The findings raise serious questions about autism’s growing prevalence and hint that the CDC may still be underestimating the scope of the issue.

According to the study, autism diagnoses for adult women increased 315% between 2011 and 2022. The corresponding figure for adult men was 215%. Among young adults between 26 and 34 years old there was an astonishing 450% increase in diagnoses.

While Big Pharma and mainstream media attribute the rise in autism rates to coincidence, critics argue that the surge “directly corresponds with the expanded vaccine schedule” implemented after the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which granted vaccine manufacturers liability protection.

This act, which argued vaccines are “necessarily unsafe,” paved the way for a significant increase in childhood vaccinations.

John Gilmore, executive director of the Autism Action Network, said the study “confirms what we have seen from many other data sources: that there is an ongoing catastrophic epidemic of autism.”

Brian Hooker, Ph.D. contends that while the study attributes increased autism diagnoses to better awareness and diagnostics, it fails to deal with the elephant in the room: the correlation with the massive expansion of the childhood vaccine schedule.

“The reasons for a 175% increase in prevalence over just 11 years are stunningly ineffectual — improved diagnostics and increased awareness among females? Really?” Hooker asked.

The study was funded by Kaiser Permanente, which has been criticized for its role in past vaccine and autism-related cover ups.

According to Hooker, Kaiser Permanente is “highly conflicted.” He explains that one of the study’s co-authors, Lisa A. Croen, Ph.D., “is directly responsible for the fraudulent Zerbo et al. 2017 study where the significant relationship between the first-trimester flu shot and autism was buried using statistical trickery.”

“These ‘researchers’ will never come down on the side of truth when it comes to autism and vaccines,” Hooker said.

Research scientist and author James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D. said Kaiser Permanente has previously helped censor studies that pointed to environmental factors including vaccines contributing to autism. He said:

“I’m concerned about the role of Kaiser in this. They were part of the now infamous Simpsonwood cover-up meeting at which CDC, medicos and Pharma met to discuss how to bury an environmental signal that showed a clear, linear increase in [the] incidence of autism, with children receiving more thimerosal having higher rates than those receiving less.

“It seems those who stand to profit most from vaccines — and from their adverse events — never pay attention to the studies that show very strong association of risk of neurodevelopmental diseases and autoimmunity with exposure to vaccines.”

Other experts, including John Gilmore of the Autism Action Network, claim Kaiser and similar Big Pharma companies intentionally overlook environmental and vaccine-related factors, focusing instead on diagnostic changes and advocacy as explanations for autism’s sharp rise.

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