Thursday, 09 January 2025

Denzel Washington: Hollywood Elites Are Taking ‘Adrenochrome Tours’ of Ukraine

The Hollywood elite practice an occult religion that involves the sacrifice of children and the consumption of their blood, according to veteran Denzel Washington, who has joined a growing list of celebrities to blow the whistle about the dark heart of the industry.

The Hollywood elite practice an occult religion that involves the sacrifice of children and the consumption of their blood, according to veteran Denzel Washington, who has joined a growing list of celebrities to blow the whistle about the dark heart of the industry.

As Denzel Washington explains, the Hollywood pedophile elite are paying exorbitant prices for access to children kept in factory farm conditions in Ukraine.

The upcoming U.S. election has sent shockwaves through certain circles, with reports suggesting insiders—allegedly including Sean Penn—are orchestrating covert “adrenochrome tours” to cater to elites scrambling to secure their supply.

Some sources claim this rush is driven by fears that a Trump victory will end the Zelensky regime’s grip on power in Ukraine, destabilizing the adrenochrome supply for these elites.

Before we dive in, subscribe to our Rumble channel if you haven’t already and join the People’s Voice Locals Community for uncensored breaking news and commentary and to join a community of brave truth seekers determined to bring the criminal elite to justice.

Hundreds of Ukrainian children living in slavery have been liberated by Russian special forces in recent months, as Putin’s Adrenochrome Task Force continues working to destroy the international trade in children’s bodies and their blood.

The adrenochrome industry in Ukraine is larger than anybody realized and Putin is determined to use the leads generated to destroy the global adrenochrome supply chain and punish those committing crimes against children – including the politicians and celebrities who are hooked on the drug he calls “Satan’s narcotic.”

According to Putin, Western elites have been consuming human flesh and drinking children’s blood for centuries.

The vampires’ ball is coming to and end and according to Denzel Washington, Hollywood elites expecting a Trump victory in November are fearful that their supply of adrenochrome is going to dry up when the US government stops propping up Zelensky and handing Ukraine blank checks.

Russia is set to win the war and liberate the children who are still held captive by the Zelensky regime in collaboration with the global elite and those who were appointed to oversee the operation including Marina Abramovic.

According to Denzel Washington, this means Hollywood elite are now stocking up on adrenochrome supplies and some are taking tours of Ukraine to get their fix before the whole operation is crushed by Putin and the children are liberated.

Washington has long been disgusted by the behavior of the industry elite, warning fellow actors against spending time with Diddy or attending his diabolic parties.

We have been warned that the age of Diddy’s victims will get younger and younger. This week a victim was was 10-years-old at the time admitted he was drugged and raped at an audition.

Child stars were certainly on his radar.

Why should we listen to what Denzel Washington has to say about the elite’s taste for children’s blood?

Because he remains one of the very few industry stars to leave a Diddy party in disgust, much less speak out against the depraved occult rituals of the Hollywood elite.

It’s obvious that this wasn’t Denzel’s way of doing this because, let’s be honest, Denzel Washington and Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs represent two opposite ends of the spectrum.

Exposing the truth about Satan’s narcotic and the elite who consume the blood of children is a dangerous game. But there is safety in numbers and more Hollywood insiders are bravely taking a stand against the corrupt system.

Roseanne Barr recently joined Tucker Carlson on stage to help open everybody’s eyes in this country to the reality of the child sex epidemic and the elite’s taste in children’s blood.

According to Rosenne, the Hollywood elite are full-on vampires and they cannot get enough blood.

It’s a big club and thank god, you ain’t in it.

Like Rosenne Barr, Hollywood star Jim Caviezel has placed his career on the line to blow the whistle about the corrupt system and the child victims it generates.

Steve Bannon was released from prison earlier this week following his four month stint as a political prisoner.

While elites in this country are raping and killing children, and household names like Tom Hanks are brazenly wearing adrenochrome rings in public, brave patriots like Steve Bannon are sent to prison for the crime of being a political dissident.

Blowing the whistle on the elite is a dangerous game, as Hollywood actor Mel Gibson found out when he exposed the Hollywood entertainment industry as a “den of parasites” who “feast on the blood of kids.”

It really can’t be overstated the level of extreme evil that we are up against.

There is a high-level cover-up trying to suppress any information about adrenochrome and its users from reaching the masses.

The corruption has completely infiltrated the system, including at gatekeepers like Google who control nearly all the information that most people consume.

More people are speaking up about the truth and we are becoming an unstoppable force. Every time you share this information with people you are helping the cause and bringing the end of the cabal closer.

It’s not new, and it’s not going away. While the mainstream media and fact checkers gaslight the public about the extent of the crime, anybody living with their eyes wide open can see that we are living through an epidemic of child sex trafficking, organ harvesting, and adrenochrome crimes.


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