Monday, 16 September 2024

Drag Queen Parody Of The Last Supper At Olympics Opening Ceremony Sparks Outrage

Olympics opening ceremony

A performance at the Olympics opening ceremony in Paris has sparked outrage and been accused of mocking Chritianity with a drag queen paradoy of the Last Supper.

18 drag queen performers re-created the scene, a depiction of Jesus Christ’s final meal with his disciples before his crucifixion.

In a post on X the Oympics said that the burlesque performance was an “interpretation of the Greek God [of wine and festivity] Dionysus” to make viewers “aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings”

In another post Journalist Kyle Becker said: “The 2024 Paris Olympics has gone full Woke dystopian. The opening ceremony was filled with transgend*r mockery of the Last Supper, the Golden Calf idol, and even the Pale Horse from the Book of Revelation. The Olympics has made it clear that Christian viewers aren’t welcome”.

News 18 reports: Prominent US figures and political commentators condemned the act, arguing it disrespected Christianity and sent a message of exclusion to the 2.4 billion Christians worldwide. US radio host Clint Russell stated, “Opening your event by replacing Jesus and the disciples with men in drag is unacceptable.” “The transnational Left have contempt for Western civilization,” said Tom Fitton, the president of US-based NGO Judicial Watch.

Paris Olympic’s defence

In their defence, Paris Olympic organisers claimed the show aimed to humorously underline the absurdity of violence among humans. However, the backlash continued, with some commentators expressing concerns about the broader implications of mocking religious traditions in a public forum like the Olympics. The ceremony also included other controversial moments, such as a depiction of a “headless” Marie Antoinette and a scene suggesting a sexual encounter at France’s national library, FOX News reported.

Conservative French politician and European parliament member Marion Marechal, warned international viewers that this polarising display does not entirely represent French people. “To all the Christians of the world who are watching the #Paris2024 ceremony and felt insulted by this drag queen parody of the Last Supper, know that it is not France that is speaking but a left-wing minority ready for any provocation. #notinmyname,” she wrote.

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