Shocking allegations have emerged, claiming that King Charles was present at a sinister human hunting party held at a secretive European estate. According to eyewitness testimony, young children were pursued and cornered by members of European royalty and the global elite—only to vanish without a trace.
These allegations echo disturbing accusations from previous generations, suggesting that the British royal family, along with elite families including the Rothschilds, are still engaging in ancient child sacrifice rituals and other forms of abuse—practices that trace back to the very civilizations from which these families claim their lineage.
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Many survivors have told the same disturbing story of human hunting parties in the Royal forests of France, Belgium and Netherlands. It has been documented in art work for centuries.

This barbaric practice has been enjoyed by the elite for centuries and continues to this day on certain dates during gatherings of the global elite.
While there are variations, the young victims are usually stripped naked and turned loose in a secured wilderness area while men and their dogs ruthlessly hunt them.
Many global Illuminati members are addicted to the thrill of this “sport” as it satisfies their sexual perversions.
It also assists in traumatizing mind-control victims because the Luciferian sport follows the dictum “Do as thou wilt.” There are no rules. Anything goes. Many of the children are raped and killed. Many are terrorized and used for the purpose of extracting adrenochrome for the pleasure of those in elite circles.
The elite call it “A Most Dangerous Game” and because their occult religion requires them to reveal their methods to the masses, they have made numerous movies celebrating their depraved pastime.
In recent decades the elite have used The Simpsons to reveal their methods to the masses, and their depraved interest in hunting and sacrificing humans is another example of this revelation.
Fear and trauma-based control is the crack cocaine of the elite.
Like everything Satanic, the rituals surrouding child sexual abuse and sacrifice are steeped in lies and deception and the establishment is part of a sickening cover up of the elite’s worst rites and customs.
You’ve heard of Jimmy Savile – close friend of the British Royal family and best friend of the young man who grew up to become King Charles III.
It was revealed after Savile’s death that he was the supplier of children to the highest of high society pedophile rings in the UK, with Prime Ministers, Judges, Police and military top brass, high ranking clergy and, yes, members of the Royal Family and aristocracy all involved.
Then, of course, we have Jeffrey Epstein – close friend of the British Royal family and best friend of Queen Elizabeth’s favorite son, Prince Andrew.
Just like Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes are being shrouded in a massive cover-up by the courts and mainstream media. But the truth is undeniable: like Savile, Epstein was a supplier—providing children to the most powerful figures in global high society. Presidents, CEOs, and royalty were all entangled in his elite pedophile network.
As for the British Royal Family, dark accusations linger about their involvement in ancient rites—ritualistic practices that include child sacrifice and pedophilia, passed down as part of their deeply rooted customs.
The question is no longer if these things happened, but when the full truth will finally come to light.
Brave whistleblowers are breaking their silence, exposing the dark, hidden secrets that the elite will do anything to keep buried. Among the most shocking revelations are firsthand accounts from witnesses who claim they saw King Charles himself attending a human hunting party on an exclusive European estate.
Did you know that over 50,000 Canadian children were tortured, sexually abused and some murdered at Canadian church run residential schools – and the Queen of England was found guilty by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State for the disappearance of 10 children she took herself in person and who were never seen alive again?
This may come as a shock – but many Canadians allege that the Queen and Prince Phillip took orphan children in Canada on picnics – and these children were never returned to the orphanages or seen again.
What did the Royals do with them? Release them into the woods somewhere?
After understanding the nature of her sons, Charles and Andrew, it’s perhaps no surprise to find out that Queen Elizabeth II was found guilty by the court of killing 10 young children in Western Canada in 1964.
But it’s the cover up that really sticks in one’s craw.
William Combes, age 59 and in good health, was scheduled to be a primary witness at the opening session of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State on September 12 in London, England.
The day before the opening session, William died suddenly of a still-undisclosed cause. The Vancouver Coroner’s Office refuses to comment on William’s death.
William was the sole survivor of a group of three young boys who claim to have witnessed the abduction of ten children during a royal visit to the Kamloops residential school in mid October, 1964, when both the Queen and Prince Philip were in Canada.
“They took away those ten kids and nobody ever saw them again” described William, in several public statements made over the airwaves of the Vancouver Co-op radio program, as well as signed and witnessed declarations made in 2010.
According to fact checkers like Snopes, this isn’t true. They claim Queen Elizabeth’s official schedule did not place her in British Columbia when the alleged crime took place, and the international court that found her guilty has no legitimate judicial authority in Canada.

How convenient for the British Royal family that the powers that be continue to protect them from scrutiny. In future generations, Prince Andrew’s close friendship with Jeffrey Epstein will probably be airbrushed from history by Big Media, with those who remember the facts derided as conspiracy loons.
Unfortunately for the fact checkers, there are plenty of real, living people in Canada who remember what the Royals did in previous generations. And they are demanding justice.
According to a man who was present at a human hunting party on a secluded European estate, the elite are still playing their twisted games with children—games where the victims disappear without a trace.
Chillingly, this mirrors the disturbing accounts of children vanishing in Canada during Queen Elizabeth’s reign.
To some, it might sound like something too dark and depraved to be true. But for those who take the time to research the ancestries of European royal families, the facts speak for themselves.
Charles is very proud of the fact he is a direct descendant of Dracula. According to NPR, Prince Charles said during a 2011 interview, “Transylvania is in my blood. The genealogy shows that I’m descended from Vlad the Impaler, you see.”
In case you need a quick refresh: During the 1400s, Vlad III – commonly known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Dracula – was the Prince of Wallachia (now modern day Romania). According to NBC, his father adopted the last name of Dracul (meaning dragon), which meant Vlad’s last name became Dracula (son of the dragon). By all accounts, he was an extremely violent ruler.
Britain and the Commonwealth now have a sovereign who is descended from the tyrant who dipped his bread in the blood of his impaled victims.
But it’s not just Charles who shares blood with darkness in high places.
Every European royal family can trace at least one ancestor back to the Imperial bloodline of the Roman Empire.
The Roman emperors, in turn, can trace their lineage to the royal bloodlines of the Egyptian dynasties.
And those Egyptian dynasties? They can trace their origins back to the Babylonian royal bloodlines—the first rulers in history to claim a “divine right” to govern humanity, a power they said was granted by supernatural entities they called “gods.”
These same Babylonian royals were also the first to perform ritualistic child sex acts and sacrifices in dark ceremonies dedicated to these so-called deities.
These rituals have woven through history, and it appears that the Royal family, along with the Rothschild family, still embrace child sacrifice and ritualistic pedophilia as one of their ancient rites and customs.
What are the chances of two of Queen Elizabeth’s sons, Charles and Andrew, both being best friends with the most infamous pedophiles of their era, Savile and Epstein?
And what are the chances of King Charles’ mentor also being accused of raping young boys?
How many times can these revelations be swatted aside and declared a “coincidence”?
If you are a Christian – you should remember the warning in your Bible that says “This world is ruled by the powers and principalities of DARKNESS in HIGH PLACES”…..you should remember that quote all your life.
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