Saturday, 26 October 2024

George Soros Caught Boasting All Future Elections Are ‘100% Fixed’

George Soros has been caught boasting that he is the electorate, he chooses the president, and all future elections are 100% fixed for the radical left thanks to his work

George Soros has been caught boasting that he is the electorate, he chooses the president, and all future elections are 100% fixed for the radical left thanks to his work “behind-the-scenes” that he says will continue bearing fruit long after he has cashed in his chips and departed this mortal realm.

Asked what he thinks his legacy will be when he passes on, the 93-year-old globalist billionaire said that his work “fixing” the results of future elections will be his greatest legacy.

As the results of US elections get stranger and stranger to the point of statistical impossibility and data systems anomalies become the norm, it's time to get to the bottom of exactly what is happening, as Soros says, “behind-the-scenes.”

Before we dive in, subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already, and join the People’s Voice Locals community for exclusive and uncensored content and to support the channel.

Democrat policies have become so radical and anti-American that you'd swear they have given up on winning the popular vote.

But something strange is going on.

The official narrative says Biden won more votes than any American president in history. Yet he can't fill a local Starbucks with supporters when he goes on tour.

As for Kamala Harris, she's too busy welcoming bearded men in dresses to the White House to bother with trying to win over grassroots voters with real concerns about the direction American is heading.

This generation of WEF-aligned Democrats should have been wiped off the electoral map long ago and consigned to the dustbin of history where they belong.

So how are they still in power?

Do you remember the time Hillary Clinton introduced her friend and megadonor George Soros and his interest in getting involved in US elections?

That’s right, not US politics, but US election processes.

The Democrats and their masters the globalist elite do not want you to see this video. It has been repeatedly censored, banned, and deleted from every social media site.

Nobody should be surprised Hillary Clinton thinks cheating in elections is justified.

An audio recording from 2006 reveals Hillary Clinton told newspaper editor Eli Chomsky that the US should have fixed the outcome of a foreign election.

Damning stuff. But it gets even worse. Obama is up to his neck in this as well, and he is even more shameless than Hillary when it comes to justifying cheating.

In the resurfaced video, Obama was seeking to ease concerns about a potential Republican landslide victory in 2009 by telling a crowd of Democrats in Ohio that they shouldn’t worry because Democrats control the election voting machines.

Which is very strange, because Democrats in 2024 claim there is no such thing as voter fraud.

Even suggesting their might be voter fraud occurring before our very eyes is enough to land major media organizations with defamation payouts of hundreds of millions of dollars.

This is highly sensitive and dangerous territory and we are taking a major risk by bringing you the information we are about to reveal. But these are critical times and it is our duty at the People's Voice to expose the masses to the truth.

You know what they say about the devil? The greatest trick he ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist.

Is convincing the nation that voter fraud does not exist the greatest trick ever pulled by the Democrats?

Obviously they forgot to tell the executives at Google who are on record boasting they have rigged 41 elections for the far-left in the last 16 years.

For the record, Google executives met with Obama behind closed doors at the White House as astonishing 427 time during his presidency.

But of course, they could not have been discussing anything to do with using Google's icy grip on information flows to influence elections – because as Democrats say, voter fraud doesn't exist.

And obviously the Democrats responsible for maintaining the roll of 320,000 “ghost voters” actively registered to vote in November's election in must-win Michigan, Detroit could not possibly be engaging in voter fraud.

Ghost voters are shadows who linger on voter rolls after their real inhabitants have either died or moved interstate. Without voter ID, anybody can show up and vote as a ghost voter – once, twice, or 320,000 times.

Democrats couldn't possibly be resorting to a trick used by corrupt Zimbabwean election officials in 2008, could they?

For the record, Michigan’s voter rolls are the responsibility of George Soros-backed Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson.

Is this part of Soros' “behind the scenes” work? Or was he only referring to buying up every Spanish language news outlet in the United States and programming their content with far-left fake news and propaganda?

Speaking of Soros and Spanish-language America, whoever programmed the 6,000 voting machines in Puerto Rico last week that systematically “miscalculated” votes could not possibly have been engaging in voter fraud.

Puerto Rico’s elections commission announced Tuesday that it is reviewing its contract with Dominion Voting Systems after “hundreds of discrepancies” in vote totals were discovered following the island’s primary elections.

According to Elon Musk, the US must eliminate all electronic voting machines, warning that they are designed to allow fraud by bad faith actors.

Musk responded to a post from Robert F. Kennedy. Jr., who was weighing in on the anomalies during Puerto Rico’s primary elections.

This is not the first time that Musk, who has a following of nearly 188 million people, has warned about fraud in the electoral system.

Last month, he shared a video urging whistleblowers to come forward to report irregularities ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

Don’t forget, this is the party whose lawyers openly admitted that if the DNC wants to ignore the votes in primary elections and pick their nominees in back rooms while smoking cigars, it is their legal right to do so.

Soros and his Democrat cronies appear determined to pick the next president in a back room while ignoring the votes of the people.

No wonder Biden said the Democrats have put together the most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.

Here at the People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the elite but we need your help. Subscribe to the channel and join the People’s Voice Locals community for exclusive and uncensored content. I hope to see you there.


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