Friday, 18 October 2024

India Seeking Death Penalty For WHO Scientist Who Blocked Access to Ivermectin

The Indian Bar Association (IBA) has launched legal proceedings against World Health Organization (WHO) chief scientist Dr Soumya Swaminathan, accusing her of causing the death of Indian citizens by deceiving them regarding the effectiveness of Ivermectin.

According to allegations contained in the lawsuit, the WHO chose to suppress Ivermectin despite a wealth of scientific evidence purporting its efficacy against Covid in favor of promoting Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.

Bill Gates is both the largest donor to the WHO and a major stakeholder with vested interests in Covid-19 mRNA vaccine technology.

The WHO chief scientist is accused of sending a willfully misleading tweet on May 10, 2021 against the use of Ivermectin which resulted in the state of Tamil Nadu removing the medication from the protocol on May 11.

According to the IBA, this cost the lives of thousands of Indian citizens and should be considered a crime against humanity.

If Dr. Soumya Swaminathan is found guilty, then she could be sentenced to death or life in prison.

The Mumbai-based IBA first sent a 51-page notice to Swaminathan on 25 May 2021, and a follow-up on 13 June, reacting to her statements saying that WHO does not recommend the use of the drug as a treatment for COVID-19, except in the context of clinical trials

Barrister Dipali Ojha, principal advocate of the Indian Bar Association, warned the criminal action against Dr Swaminathan “for every death” caused by her actions is ongoing.

While Swaminathan stood down from her senior role with the WHO shortly after the commencement of legal proceedings against her, Barrister Ojha warns the case against her is ongoing.

The brief accused Dr. Swaminathan of “misconduct” in using her position as a health authority to serve the vested interests of the lucrative vaccine industry.

Specific accusations include conducting a disinformation campaign against Ivermectin and publishing statements in social and mainstream media to falsely influence the public against the use of Ivermectin despite the existence of large quantities of clinical data showing its profound effectiveness in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

Ivermectin is an inexpensive medication that is prescribed as an antiparasitic. Despite being blacklisted by the WHO and FDA during the vaccine roll-out, it has since gained popularity for the prevention of Covid-19.

Many doctors and scientists claim that Ivermectin is far more effective against limiting transmission of Covid-19 than the vaccines.

Research studies from India reveal that states that used Ivermectin had much better outcomes and far fewer deaths from Covid-19 than Indian states that did not use Ivermectin.

In Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Goa regions cases fell by 98%, 97%, 94% and 86% respectively. On the other hand, following the decision of Tamil Nadu to stop using Ivermectin, the number of cases exploded and became the highest in India.

Deaths in Tamil Nadu increased tenfold following the decision.

In a test of over 4,000 people in India (over 3,000 took Ivermectin) and over 1,000 did not. The results showed that 2% of people who took Ivermectin had Covid-19 confirmed by a PCR test and 11.7% of people who did not take Ivermectin had Covid-19 confirmed by a PCR test.

WHO Disinformation Campaign

TrialSite has evidence that WHO is suppressing important data relating to Covid19 treatment. Recently, she published a report on the large local public health operation effort in Uttar Pradesh but left out the basic fact that ivermectin is in fact widely used as part of the initiative.

Why would the WHO go to such lengths to suppress this important information, i.e. a treatment that actually works?

What kind of agenda has this organization adopted when it appears to be using disinformation to mislead and disrupt nations seeking to bring this pandemic under control?

Is this recent legal action in India simply a symbolic gesture or does it represent a harbinger of more legal actions to come?

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