Wednesday, 23 October 2024

James Woods Blasts MSM: ‘You Wanted Trump Dead – You’ve Got Blood on Your Hands’ 

James Woods says MSM has blood on their hands for egging on Trump assassination.

Hollywood actor James Woods blasted the mainstream media following the attempted assassination on Donald Trump on Saturday, saying that those who wanted Trump dead now “have blood on their hands.”

In a tweet shortly after the failed assassination attempt, Woods shared the iconic photo of Trump’s bloodied face standing triumphant as an American flag waved behind him and condemned the far-left pundits who previously called for violence.

“All the leftist lunatics who have snickered about killing President Trump have blood on their hands today,” Woods declared. reports: Mainstream politicians from across the spectrum offered their support for the former president and unequivocally condemned any and all political violence on Saturday.

“There’s no place in America for this kind of violence,” Biden said in a press conference on Saturday.

 “It’s sick,” Biden added. “It’s sick. It’s one of the reasons we have to unite this country. We cannot allow for this to be happening. We cannot be like this. We cannot condone this.”

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