Saturday, 07 September 2024

Journalist Who Promoted Covid Vaccines to Millions Dies Suddenly at 43

Fully vaccinated and boosted mainstream media journalist Matt Driscoll has died suddenly after proudly getting vaccinated and promoting the shot to millions through his reporting in Washington State. He was 43 years old.

Driscoll was known as a prominent campaigner for the vaccinations who spent much of his personal time arguing with the unvaccinated on social media and convincing people to get vaccinated.

The journalist publicly mocked Aaron Rogers after the NFL star was cancelled for warning millions of people about the dangerous side effects of the mRNA jab. According to Driscoll, Rogers was engaging in “performance art.”

Driscoll also dedicated column inches to promoting the work of pro-vaxx troll Craig Egan in 2017.

Egan was known for harrassing and bullying the organizers and movie theaters involved in the Vaxxed: From Cover Up To Catastrophe movie tour, trying to prevent as many people as possible from watching the groundbreaking documentary movie.

Egan was credited with convincing Tribeca film festival organizer Robert De Niro to cancel all screenings of Vaxxed at the festival.

Vaxxed: From Cover Up to Catastrophe presents the story of parents whose children developed autism after receiving routine childhood vaccine schedule shots.

KNKX report the news has left many people in the region shocked and saddened, from Driscoll’s Hilltop neighborhood in Tacoma all the way to the governor’s office.

Driscoll is survived by his wife Jennifer, his two daughters, and his special needs son.

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