Monday, 28 October 2024

Kansas Sues Pfizer For Making False Claims About The Safety & Efficacy Of Its Covid Jab


Kansas Attorney General (AG) Kris Kobach has announced that his state is suing Pfizer for making “misleading and deceptive statements” about its covid vaccination.

Kansas is one of five US states that are now suing the vaccine manufacturer for misleading statements made on the properties of its Covid jab Comirnaty.

The Daily Sceptic reports: The press conference clip is here, please watch the core, the first five minutes.

To summarise, Counsellor Kobach made the following points:

Kansas is suing the manufacturer for making “misleading and deceptive statements” and “violating previous consent judgements with the State of Kansas in which Pfizer promised never to use misleading statements in marketing its products”.

Kobach stated that at the time of the introduction of the vaccines, decisions to be vaccinated and which one to go for were made “in a hurry and sometimes under duress”. In such an environment, it is imperative that Kansas residents (and the whole world, for that matter) receive proper advice, the truth, not the spin. “In multiple respects, Pfizer did not provide the truth.”

Kobach’s evidence comes from material obtained through FOIA via a lawsuit. Mark this, as it is an important point we will pick up below.

The AG summarised the four main points by 4.21 in the clip.

  • The vaccine was marketed as safe for pregnant women, but in early 2021, in the abandoned trial of pregnant women, more than half reported a serious adverse event and more than 10% a miscarriage. He goes on to cite the 77-page study 185350 (available from the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) repository), which shows that LNPs go everywhere in a rat’s body with a high concentration in rats’ ovaries (as we reported here), resulting in infertility in rats.
  • Pfizer denied as late as early 2023 that Comirnaty caused all the cardio-itis we reported here and following posts. These are included, albeit in a higgledy-piggledy fashion, in the other posts of the series and are listed in package inserts.
  • Pfizer claimed a protective effect against variants when, according to the AG in fact protection was below 50%.
  • “Pfizer urged Americans to get vaccinated to protect their loved ones as they claimed that” their vaccine “stopped transmission”.
  • Finally, the trifle of conspiring with social media platforms to silence critics of which we have extensive personal experience and have reported many times previously.

    The Kansas AG complaint is here (with thanks to Eugenio Florean).

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