Monday, 21 October 2024

Kate Middleton Caught Sending SOS to World: ‘They’re Going To Kill Me’

Bombshell new evidence has emerged proving Kate Middleton was fearing for her life late last year, as investigators, palace insiders and those who had chance encounters with Middleton come forward to expose the truth behind her disappearance and the dark occult traditions that continue to guide the rituals of the elite.

Bombshell new evidence has emerged proving Kate Middleton was fearing for her life late last year, as investigators, palace insiders and those who had chance encounters with Middleton come forward to expose the truth behind her disappearance and the dark occult traditions that continue to guide the rituals of the elite.

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Investigators have uncovered evidence that the Princess of Wales was begging for help from anybody who would listen late last year.

Just like her predecessor the Lady Diana, Middleton became convinced in late 2023 that she had served her purpose.

According to investigators, Middleton became frantic that she was set to suffer the same fate as Diana and began reaching out to anybody from outside the Royal circle.

Middleton's every move including her electronic communications were closely monitored by the Royal household meaning Kate had to scribble handwritten notes begging people outside of the Royal circle for help.

Two weeks before she disappeared from public view, Kate passed a note simply saying “HELP” to British entertainer Derren Brown who tweeted about it at the time.

Nobody took Brown seriously at the time. Perhaps he didn't take it entirely seriously himself. This was a big mistake.

During this period, as Middleton became increasingly frantic, she reached out to Princess Diana's psychic and close friend Christine Fitzgerald, urgently seeking her advice.

Fitzgerald met Middleton in a cafe on Kensington High Street in December. She says the Princess of Wales appeared pale and drawn and was obviously terrified.

“She said she feared for the future of her children if she was no longer here to raise them,” Fitzgerald explained. “She had to scribble some of these things on paper napkins and push them across the table to me because she knew she was being monitored.”

A photo provided by Fitzgerald of one of these scribbled notes reveals that Middleton's fears were well founded.

“The horrors that I've witnessed, it's too much to bare. They want me dead – I'm no use to them anymore. HELP.”

The public simply would not accept a second ritual killing taking place in front of the eye's of the world.

As Christine Fitzgerald explains, Middleton’s personality and bloodline was perfect for the role of royal ritual sacrifice. At first, Kate was keen to play her role supporting the elite agenda.

As the public became more curious about the real story behind her disappearance, the Royals presented a series of fake photos and videos, desperate to throw investigators off the scent.

Think about this for a moment. The first fake photo generated headlines around the world. The royal family understand the level of speculation this caused. Under what possible circumstances would they respond to this uproar by releasing a second fake photo?

…And then a third?

…And then a fake video?

Fitzgerald explains that while the elite present themselves as a modern institution, they are still guided by an ancient dark occult religion.

Among the elite, the ancient practice of blood sacrifice still exists.

Princess Diana and Princess Kate were both forced to wear the same style blood red dress with large white lace collar when William and George were officially photographed as babies.

For the elite, signs and symbols rule the world.

In this age of mass media, the occult elite partake in mega-rituals designed to be witnessed by the entire world.

Why? For increased magical potency.

It’s called Revelation of the Method, a subliminal psychological warfare tool that serves as a clever and occult way of demoralizing the masses and increasing the powers of the elites who rule over us.

According to Christine, “Sometimes Hollywood is telling us exactly what's happening.”

She warns the movie Rosemary's Baby is “incredibly close to the truth” regarding Kate's experience with the Royal family.

Note that Mia Farrow was also wearing a crimson blood red dress with white lace during the filming of the movie that served as predictive programming for the occult elite's blood sacrifices.

Fitzgerald says the red is a warning of the blood and fear that is to come.

It's no coincidence that Rosemary's Baby was made by a pedophile elite director, Roman Polanski, who's wife was brutally murdered in a Satanic killing spree by the Manson Family.

When it comes to the elite, there is no such thing as coincidence.

Remember Stanley Kubrick and his final movie Eyes Wide Shut? The movie exposed secrets of the occult elite including their taste for blood sacrifice, and days after its release Kubrick was dead.

Kubrick had served his purpose in revealing the method of the elite. He could not be trusted to keep the rest of their secrets under wraps.

But people are speaking out. Let’s place together the pieces of the puzzle.

According to a palace aide, Kate Middleton was first placed in a medically “induced coma” earlier this year after routine abdominal surgery went badly wrong.

Whose decision was it to place Middleton in a coma? The directive came not from Middleton’s own family but from the royal family, according to Concha Calleja, a full-time royal reporter with contacts in the royal household.

The royal family have reacted furiously to these claims but Calleja is sticking to her version of events, stating that she has confidence in her source.

These are critical times and here at TPV Towers we are determined to expose the elite and hold them to account before its too late. Join us in our mission to wake up the masses by subscribing to the channel and joining the People’s Voice Locals community to join our amazing team. I hope to see you there.


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