Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Leaked Secret Service Video Proves Trump Assassination Attempt Was Inside Job

Shortly after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, eyewitness accounts and video evidence reveal that the Secret Service were given

On May 19 we warned that a leaked World Economic Forum memo had Donald J. Trump at the top of a “hit list” to be assassinated within the next two months if he continued proving impossible to control.

The mainstream media and controlled opposition called us conspiracy theorists and fake news.

As usual, they were proved wrong in a matter of months. We are exposing the agenda of the elite and bringing you tomorrow’s news today and the attack on Trump on Saturday proves how urgent it is for people to wake up and listen.

The plan to defeat Trump using lawfare is failing spectacularly, and the global elite are now initiating Plan B, also known as the plot to remove President Donald Trump from the November election by any means necessary.

These are desperate times for the global elite and the inside job assassination attempt on Saturday is just the beginning. Things are about to get very crazy, very fast.

Before we dive in, subscribe to our Rumble channel if you haven’t already and join the People’s Voice Locals Community for uncensored breaking news and commentary and to join a community of brave truth seekers determined to bring the criminal elite to justice.

Shortly after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, eyewitness accounts and video evidence reveal that the Secret Service were given “stand down” orders to allow the rooftop shooter to carry out the hit.

Footage of snipers pointing their guns at the assassin but refusing to pull their trigger, deliberately allowing Trump to remain in the direct line of fire, raises the question “Why didn’t they shoot him first?”

Evidence of a set-up continues to pour in. Secret service did not secure the nearest tall buildings. This is an impossible oversight. It is the default to have secret service and law enforcement on every rooftop within half a mile or further.

These rooftops were only 423 feet away.

Yet nobody was on these rooftops. Just the shooter, who took advantage of a ladder that was conveniently placed there for him in advance.

Why did the crowd spot the shooter before secret service took action?

This is not a failure of security. This is a stand down of security.

When law enforcement was told that there was a man bear crawling on the rooftop with a rifle, they also stood down.

Secret Service snipers were not the only members of the entourage acting strangely in the critical seconds before the attack. Pay attention to the movements of this secret service agent seconds before the shots were fired.

This isn’t the first time the Secret Service have stood down during an active assassination attempt on a US President.

On 22 November, 1963, the secret service ignored multiple witnesses who alerted them to a guy with a rifle pointed at JFK’s motorcade. The parallels with Saturday don’t stop there.

Just as in in Dallas in 1963, the Deep State left their fingerprints all over the crime scene on Saturday.

The mainstream media has been determined to discredit anybody who warned about the Deep State plot to eradicate Trump.

When the mainstream media start accusing people of spreading “conspiracies” you know they are desperately trying to hide something from the masses.

In this case it was the plan to assassinate the 45th and future president of the United States.

The assassination attempt was an inside job and the secret service and multiple other organizations were in on it.

We are not talking about individual secret service agents, we are talking about the secret service at the top, and in particular the Director Kimberly Cheatle – a direct Biden appointee.

Cheatle made the decision to run the Trump security detail on bare bones. Staffing and resources were at dangerously low levels.

Cheatle’s main priority was diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, with the state goal of increasing female officers to at least 30 percent of the service.

A job that should be done by a select few men has become a job done by YouTube influencers.

Choosing to understaff Trump’s security meant a sniper could take his time getting into position on a rooftop with a clear view of the stage less than 423 feet away.

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Democrats have been trying to remove even that level of security. They have even tried to introduce legislation.

The Democratic machine made a very conscious attempt to expose Trump to assassination attempts.

This bill was introduced by Congressman Bernie Thompson and after the assassination attempt his own field director spelled out exactly what the point of the legislation was.

So how about the recruitment of the sniper himself?

20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks seems like an unlikely figure to assassinate a president of the United State until you dig into his background.

Affiliated with various Antifa groups all over the country, Crooks also appeared in a Blackrock promo video during his teen years.

His recruitment as the shooter was also an inside job, but this doesn’t mean a three-letter agency went out and recruited him directly.

It’s most cunning and sophisticated than that.

The process is known as stochastic terrorism and the global elite and mainstream media are experts at stoking this variety of terror.

Stochastic terrorism works when the media, operating on behalf of their paymasters in the global elite, incites extreme and irrational hatred of Donald Trump, thus inspiring lone actors to commit unpredictable, yet statistically inevitable, assassination attempts.

The elite recruited the shooter, in the open, before our very eyes.

They hobbled Trump’s security detail and used rhetoric they knew was statistically near-certain to produce this result.

There are endless examples of this rhetoric. Here is former Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill saying Trump is more dangerous than Hitler and Mussolini.

The Biden regime played their part. The media played their part. The secret service played their part. The judiciary played their part. The entire establishment played their part.

This was not a “lone gunman.”

This was a complex organism, all moving together with a single purpose.

They knew exactly what they were speeding towards.

Make no mistake, we are fighting the New World Order right now. They are out in the open, they are desperate, and they know they will be removed unless they manage to remove Trump first.

Unfortunately for the global elite, the people have woken up, Biden has been exposed as a puppet, the mainstream media has been exposed as fraudulent, and the momentum has completely shifted to us.

It is only a matter of time before the global elite are held responsible for their crimes against humanity.

Come and help us expose their crimes to the masses by subscribing to the channel on Rumble and joining the Peoples Voice Locals community to join us in our mission to educate the world about what is really happening behind the scenes. We are living in critical times and we need your help today.


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