Leaked footage from a United Nations assembly meeting reveals a decades-long agenda for global control, aimed at weakening the population by 2025 through invisible, insidious methods.
The footage reveals that toxic, mind-altering chemicals have been covertly released over major population centers for years, damaging human health and ecosystems alike. Those streaks in our skies, dismissed as harmless vapor trails, are in fact bioweapons used to quietly destabilize societies around the world.
And now, the most disturbing plan of all is set to unfold: the release of toxic, man-made clouds designed to trigger a global famine in 2025.
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Anyone paying attention can’t help but notice the dramatic changes in our skies. The sun, which used to shine as a vibrant orange orb, now seems whiter and smaller.
Gone are the days when clouds danced in the sky, forming beautiful, organic shapes like cirrus, cumulus, and nimbus. Instead, they have become stark and grid-like, resembling the bars of a massive prison planet.
The elite believed they could carry out this silent transformation without facing scrutiny, thinking we would passively accept it all.
For decades, mainstream media insisted that chemtrails were nothing more than a wild conspiracy theory, pushed by so-called ‘tin-foil hat’ wearers who deserve to be mocked and ridiculed.
There is just one problem for the elite and the corrupt mainstream media. They underestimated our resolve. We are not going down without a fight. Investigators are uncovering their crimes and whistle blowers are coming forward in their droves to expose their secret agenda.
State Department whistleblower Willam Blum said “no matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you image.”

Whistleblowers from inside the United Nations are inclined to agree with Blum.
Newly leaked footage from an assembly meeting back in 2006 reveals that while the mainstream media were gaslighting the public about chemtrails, the global elite were discussing how to use them to control populations and damage the agricultural industry.
Agriculture has emerged as a key front in the globalists’ war on humanity.
The elite envision a future in which we are completely dependent on the global government, dine on bugs and crickets, while they own our land, and for some reason we’re happy because we own nothing.
According to Bill Gates, who suddenly and unexpectedly became America’s largest owner of farmland last year, farmers are now part of the “useless class” of humans and need to be phased out and replaced with controllable AI technology to fight climate change and improve the state of the world.
As the UN footage reveals, the bureaucratic elite have been working on this plan for decades.
The elites have been spraying death from 15,000 feet for decades while using the mainstream media to gaslight the masses into subservience.
Now that we have information about their plan to trigger a global famine in 2025, it’s time to wake up those still sleepwalking through this nightmare.
Make no mistake, the plot against humanity has been in the works for decades and the globalists have infiltrated our most important institutions.
Hiding in plain sight in the darkest corners of the internet, an extraordinary Air Force report published back in 1996 and titled ‘Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025,’ exposes an elite decades-long plot to enslave the masses by spraying chemicals into the atmosphere.
The report envisions a future in 2025, where technology allows for precise control over weather patterns, and a global network of sensors provides vast amounts of atmospheric data.
In this future, the writers declare that by 2025, “U.S. aerospace forces can own the weather,” making it possible to totally control local populations and disrupt the food supply.
So why aren’t more Air Force insiders speaking out about the plan? Well, they are. It’s just that mainstream media is choosing to ridicule and sideline them.
Kristen Meghan was an environmental specialist nine years into her career with the Air Force when she decided to debunk the chemtrail conspiracy theory. She thought the idea was insane. She couldn’t understand why anyone would use hazardous chemicals in our atmosphere that poison the earth and humanity?
But instead of debunking the conspiracy theory, Meghan’s research from inside the Air Force revealed that chemtrails were a conspiracy fact – and her own office was playing a key role in the top-secret operations.
The shameless plan to manipulate and control the human race and seize farmland for the elite has been playing out in front of our eyes for years.
Biden’s former “climate czar” John Kerry, a former Skull and Bones fraternity member and notorious globalist, went on record threatening US farmers, blaming them for emitting nitrogen, and warning that “government farm confiscations are not off the table.”
In the Netherlands, regarded as a testing ground for the World Economic Forum’s anti-farming agenda, the Dutch government began implementing initiatives to seize farmland last year.
The nation was rocked by protests which have since gained steam and spread around Europe, with farmers demanding their governments stop bowing down to Klaus Schwab’s anti-farming green agenda.
Eva Vlaardingerbroek explains how the elites have manufactured this crisis with the ultimate goal of a world government that has total control over every aspect of our lives.
If we’re going to take down the global elite and put an end to their twisted agenda, we have to win the battle over our skies, water, food and farms.
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