Saturday, 07 September 2024

Medical Experts Warn Biden Has Suffered a ‘Massive Stroke’

Medical experts warn Biden has suffered a massive stroke.

Joe Biden is showing all the signs that he has just suffered a massive stroke, according to multiple medical experts.

On July 23rd, 2024, President Biden was seen walking toward Air Force One at Dover Air Force Base. Take a look at how he’s holding his left hand, where the fingers are unnaturally curled inward, and can barely grasp his face mask. reports: When a stroke occurs, the hands often experience increased stiffness and clench, due to disrupted neural connections between the brain and the hand muscles. This effect is known as severe spasticity, and it makes it very difficult for the victim to fully straighten the fingers or grasp an item, even something as simple to hold as a Fauci Flu mouth-covering bacteria breeder.

It only goes straight downhill from here for Dementia Joe

It’s quite typical for a stroke victim to experience numbness on one side of the body, while the other side remains fully functional. If you notice during Biden’s speeches, he talks mainly out of the right side of his mouth, barely moving the left side. In fact, when he smiles (that sinister, fake smile), only the right side of his mouth pulls back to show teeth, while the left side holds firm.

Resident Biden has been holding his hands peculiarly stiff for some time now also, as he walks around like a robot, like C3PO from Star Wars. When his mind is attached to something else (like children nearby or trying to remember who he is or where he is), his hands are straight, stiff and pointing down. He has no idea, so then when his handlers yell into his earpiece, he adjusts, plays with his sunglasses or does a quick little fake cough, just to create some action and distract from the world noticing.

In the pictures below, you’ll notice his thumb is bent inward, but is not holding anything. Not many people do that with their thumb for no reason (he might think it’s helping hold the face diaper, because it’s numb and he can’t feel it). Also notice he’s not really grasping the mask; it’s just lodged between two fingers slightly. All this while his handlers tell him to give a thumbs up, like he’s just fine to run the country, have direct access to the nuclear codes, and promote more communism with a new puppet leader.

Resident Biden also appears to have passed out and fallen during that presumable stroke and banged his face on the floor or against some furniture, as we see severe bruising on the left side of his jaw and chin, as photographed during his recently televised national address about his failures and incompetencies.

Serious cognitive decline in full gear now for Dementia Joe, as he likely enters stage 4 or even 5 of Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s

If you are thinking our nation’s problems can’t get any worse, think again. Both the President and Vice President have cognitive issues, but Biden’s are spiraling out of control. Plus, cognitive problems are often worse during the first few months following a stroke, where cerebral infarction and brain hemorrhage are the most common causes of memory loss. Two-thirds of stroke patients suffer cognitive impairment and decline right after the stroke, with one third developing dementia.

At this juncture, Biden might actually believe he is STILL in charge and running for another term. The “call in” to congratulate Obamala Harris (Yes, Obama is running for his 4th term) could have easily been a deep fake AI version of Biden’s voice. If you read about ten pages of information to any AI system, the AI system can pretty much say anything after that and it will sound exactly like the real person said it, even all new words. In fact, “Shadow of Ezra” put Biden’s AI phone call to Obamala Harris and the AI system shows a 98% likelihood it WAS AI and not the real Biden speaking.

Biden may also be suffering from vascular dementia, from the Covid clot shots he got. Even though Biden got 4 shots, he still supposedly got Covid 3 times. Go figure. Here’s the real dilemma. The mRNA jabs cause vascular clots, so Biden may be suffering from what’s known as vascular dementia. Early symptoms of vascular dementia include problems with planning, organizing, making decisions and solving problems. Perfect for the leader of the free world, who still has 6 months to serve.

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