Saturday, 07 September 2024

Mel Gibson: Biden ‘Sacrificed’ By Illuminati As New Satanic Leader ‘Selected’ In Ancient Ritual

Joe Biden has been

Joe Biden has been “sacrificed” by the globalist cabal in what can only be described as a coup d’etat against the American republic, according to Mel Gibson who warns that Biden did not willingly stand down as the Democrat presidential candidate, but was removed by globalist forces who have compromising material on him.

As Gibson warns, the elite believe presidents must be selected not elected, and the Illuminati are confident they have rigged the game sufficiently to ensure their selection for the next president will be able to continue the evil business of destroying America from the inside.

As whistleblowers who expose the crimes of the elite continue turning up dead, it’s worth paying attention to every word Mel Gibson is saying.

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According to Gibson, the hidden hands that control world leaders are “unspeakably evil” and mainstream media is covering up their worst crimes out of fear that the people will rise up against them.

As Gibson explains, the role that pedophilia and Satanic ritual sacrifice plays in the global elite’s occult religion is worse than any horror served up on Hollywood screens and Democrat party elites are part of this grand deception.

While paying lip service to the values that made America great, in reality the DNC elite are a brazen cabal of globalist authoritarians who are currently engaged in disenfranchising their own voters for the third presidential election in a row.

Their third presidential campaign in 2024 is the third presidential campaign in a row that party elites have disenfranchised ordinary voters by selecting their candidate behind closed doors.

In 2016, the Democratic primaries were rigged for Hillary. Multiple whistleblowers including James Dolan, Shawn Lucas, and most importantly Seth Rich, were found dead. Election fraud lawyer taking on the DNC complained that all of their witnesses were showing up dead.

The whole farce culminated when DNC lawyers admitted in court that the Democrat Party had no obligation to respect the results of primary elections, and could select their candidate over whiskey and cigars in smoke-filled back rooms.

Which is exactly what they did in 2016 when they rigged the primaries for Hillary and again in 2020 when they rigged the primaries and presidential election for the wildly unpopular Joe Biden.

Fast forward to 2024 and the globalist coup d’etat is complete. The globalists have total control over the DNC and Deep State.

As Gibson points out, Biden the compromised presidential puppet has been sacrificed by the elite, forced to relinquish the role he was determined to continue.

Let’s recap how the historic coup played out.

First, Biden suddenly “resigned” via a post on X. A post that bore a document that was not on official letterhead and bore a signature that is clearly forged by someone other than Biden.

Biden didn’t even write the most important letter of his life. A guy called Steve Richetti helped write the letter. And none of Biden’s staff new anything about the decision he was forced to take until after he posted it on X.

Biden’s post was swiftly followed up by Jill Biden’s heart emoji, which everyone understands was posted under duress.

And the next day Biden supposedly called in live to Kamala Harris’ first campaign event, sounding positive and buoyant and absolutely nothing like the man who coughed and stammered his way through bizarre, nonsensical sentences for the whole world to see during the debate with Trump.

If that call sounded suspicious to you, congratulations. You saw through the charade.

IT expert Matthew Sabia reveals that there is a 98% chance that the White House used a popular AI voice clone tool for Bidən’s call to Harris.

Just another perfectly normal day under the authoritarian control of the globalist cabal who have performed a successful coup d’etat on the Republic.

The coup was carried out in broad daylight with the collusion of the mainstream media, who are busy distracting the public and cheerleading for the selected candidate, Kamala Harris.

But as Gibson warns, coups and rigged elections are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the unspeakably evil crimes of the elite.

Mel Gibson enraged the establishment in 2017 by going on record denouncing Hollywood as a “den of parasites” who “feast on the blood of kids.”

The mainstream media quickly pounced on Gibson, deployed fact checkers including Snopes to declare his revelations to be fake news, and ordered social media sites to scrub every video and article from the internet.

George Orwell warned us that in the future the elites would “memory-hole” inconvenient information. This is exactly what they did with Gibson’s revelations about Hollywood.

In short, Mel Gibson was canceled.

Except it didn’t work. Why? Because we the people understand that Gibson is a truth-teller and those who are desperate to silence him and destroy his career are the ones with skeletons in their closet.

Now, six years later, Mel Gibson has now declared that he has “nothing left to lose” and is determined to play his part in exposing the truth about the cabal that runs the world.

Due to personal experiences in the heart of Hollywood, Gibson understands that children are currency in Hollywood and the global elite are a pack of blood-sucking vampires and pedophiles who need to be exposed to the masses and then destroyed.

More than anything else, Gibson is determined to eradicate the evil of elite pedophilia and child trafficking – regardless of the personal consequences. That’s why he helped produce Sound of Freedom and an upcoming documentary about the global child trafficking network.

Gibson has also been meeting with influential political figures in his campaign to spread the word to the highest offices in the land.

While the mainstream media continues to disparage him and Hollywood studios attempt to cancel him, Gibson has been busy rescuing children from the child trafficking network and roping in other entertainment industry veterans with the means to make a difference.

As the Sound of Freedom’s Tim Ballard explains, Gibson did not even want credit for the final cut of the groundbreaking movie.

As Ballard explained, children are forced into child sex trafficking during times of chaos and destruction. The aftermath of a hurricane. The aftermath of an earthquake. During and after wars.

Chaos and destruction is the modus operandi of the global elite.

Sex trafficking—especially when it comes to the buying and selling of young girls—has become big business in America. In 2011, it was the fastest growing business in organized crime and the second most-lucrative commodity traded illegally after drugs and guns.

Consider this: every two minutes, a child is exploited in the sex industry.

As investigative journalist Amy Fine Collins notes, “It’s become more lucrative and much safer to sell malleable teens than drugs or guns. A pound of heroin or an AK-47 can be retailed once, but a young girl can be sold 10 to 15 times a day—and a ‘righteous’ pimp confiscates 100 percent of her earnings.

As Ernie Allen of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children points out, The only way not to find this in any American city is simply not to look for it.”

Where did this appetite for young children come from?

Look around you.

Children have been sexualized for years now in music videos, on billboards, in TV ads, and in clothing stores like Target. Marketers have created a demand for young flesh and a ready supply of hyper-sexualized children.

None of this was an accident.

As Hollywood veteran James Woods said, Hollywood is “one hundred times more evil” than your worst fears.

The entertainment industry and the mainstream media are determined to keep the epidemic of pedophilia under wraps. They continue to deny there is a problem, despite the evidence of millions of children going missing every year.

Why? Because pedophilia and child trafficking are intricately linked to the global control system operated by the elite.

World leaders like Biden are compromised and controlled by the elite who use depraved figures like Jeffrey Epstein and P Diddy to gain kompromat on powerful figures.

Former President of The Club of Rome and former Executive Director of the United Nations, Calin Georgescu has blown the whistle on the pedophilia of his former colleagues, declaring: “The oligarchs run the United Nations and we know that they have a pedophilia system.”

Brave truth-tellers like Georgescu, Mel Gibson and the Sound of Freedom team of Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel are determined to bring this truth to light.

There is no doubt the mainstream media will try and cancel Mel Gibson all over again. If they cannot silence him in this way, as he believes, then the dangers for Gibson could be far more serious.

It is important that we support him and his work and do not let the mainstream media smear him with lies and fake news.

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