Thursday, 24 October 2024

More Than 100M Americans Agree Covid Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People,’ Survey Reveals

More than 100 million Americans agree that the Covid-19 vaccine “is killing large numbers of people” according to the results of the latest Rasmussen national survey which reveals the people are slowly but surely waking up to the truth about the experimental mRNA vaccines.

In January 2023, cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough said: “The vaccine is killing people, and is killing large numbers of people.” Thirty-three percent (33%) of American Adults agree with that statement, including 16% who Strongly Agree. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disagree, including 39% who Strongly Disagree. Another 11% are not sure.

The Rasmussen survey also reveals enormous levels of buyer’s remorse among the vaccinated. 24% of American adults who got at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine now regret getting vaccinated against the virus.

This translates to more than 67 million Americans with buyer’s remorse.

The survey came out last Friday, but as you can imagine, the mainstream media studiously ignored it. However, some enterprising individuals started getting the word out at airports.

As Rasmussen reports, the survey found a correlation between how many vaccine doses people reported getting and how much trust they have in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Among those who got the COVID-19 vaccine plus boosters, 80% have at least some trust in the medical and pharmaceutical industries – a finding that is just 41% among those who got just one vaccine dose, and only 30% among those who took no vaccine at all.

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