Sunday, 29 September 2024

Netanyahu Promotes Plan To Ban Meat In Israel


The Israeli government has introduced bioengineered meat for the consumption of its citizens.

The latest move comes only a few years after the Israeli government used its people as lab rats for forced lethal Covid injections.

InfoWars reports: This week Alex Jones covered news that Netanyahu’s Israel is in the process of setting up industrial-scale so-called ‘meat’ factories for their guinea pig population

“It’s just like the airport where there’s no waiter, no humans, it’s like robots making it, you type it into a computer,” Jones said. “Releasing steaks at an industrial pace, THEY’RE NOT STEAKS!”

Jones went on to discuss how there’s copious regulations on beef, but not on fake meat, as well as the fact the FDA in the U.S. has legalized nanotech to be added to food.

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