Monday, 16 September 2024

Obama Melts Down At $5K Per Head Fundraiser as Elite Liberals Turn on ‘Failing’ Biden

Former President Obama turned on liberal protesters at a celebrity Democrat fundraiser hosted by Stephen Colbert in New York City, which was aimed at extracting millions of dollars from elite liberals for Biden's 2024 election campaign.

However, the $5,000 per head event did not go as planned for Obama, Biden and the DNC, as wealthy liberals expressed their frustration with the “failing” Biden administration.

Hecklers and protesters interrupted Obama multiple times during his speech, causing the former president to snap and tell them to sit down stop asking difficult questions about Biden's manifold failures. “You can't just talk, you have to listen,” he told them.

The panel, moderated by CBS talk show host Stephen Colbert, was interrupted a total of six times by furious protestors, according to the New York Post.

One protester began blowing a whistle while holding a “war pig” sign, a reference to Biden's weakness on the international stage and his inability to end the war in Gaza despite repeated assurances that he will.

Other protestors shouted, “Shame on you, Joe Biden,” while another declared, “Blood on your hands.”

Outside the venue, the protests became even more heated, with crowds chanting “F*ck Joe Biden!” and “Genocide Joe has got to go!”

Liberal actress Mindy Kaling co-hosted the fundraiser with Colbert and joked, “It is such an honor to be in this room with so many rich people.”

“People are paying up to $500,000 to be here tonight. For that kind of money at an RNC fundraiser, you get to be Secretary of State.”

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    Baxter Dmitry

    Baxter Dmitry is a writer at The People's Voice. He covers politics, business and entertainment. Speaking truth to power since he learned to talk, Baxter has travelled in over 80 countries and won arguments in every single one. Live without fear.
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