Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Putin’s Adrenochrome Taskforce Intercept Israeli Ship Trafficking Hundreds of Kids 

Russian special forces have liberated dozens of children from an Israeli-registered ship, as President Putin's war against the global adrenochrome industry kicks into high gear.

Russian special forces have liberated dozens of children from an Israeli-registered ship, as President Putin’s war against the global adrenochrome industry kicks into high gear.

Following the discovery of a factory farm operation in Ukraine, Putin formed an “adrenochrome task force” of special agents and handpicked Spetznas to deal with the growing crisis.

According to reports, Israeli-registered ship was apprehended within the Russian sphere of influence in the Black Sea on July 10, and children were being held captive in atrocious conditions.

Hardened Russian soldiers who thought they had seen it all fought tears as they described the horrors of finding so many children with fragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodies were expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global adrenochrome trade operating out of Israel.

This is a significant discovery and Putin is determined to use the leads generated to destroy the global adrenochrome supply chain and punish those committing crimes against children.

Before we dive in, subscribe to our Rumble channel if you haven’t already and join the People’s Voice Locals Community for uncensored breaking news and commentary and to join a community of brave truth seekers determined to bring the criminal elite to justice.

According to the Kremlin, President Zelensky’s Kiev regime has been earning hundreds of millions of dollars per year by raising children in degrading factory farm conditions and selling them to the highest bidder on the international market – no questions asked.

As Putin explains, the Western elite have been stuffing their bellies with human flesh for centuries and the time has come to call it out and hold them to account.

Unspeakable crimes against children have united the vampiric elite as a secretive cabal whose actions behind closed doors have destroyed the lives of so many of the innocent.

Thanks to Putin’s adrenochrome task force, pedophile cult leaders around the world can no longer rest assured that their crimes against children will be swept under the carpet like they are in the West.

Remember when a secret tunnel system was discovered under a Chabad Jewish center in New York and instead of asking obvious questions, the mainstream media covered up the story?

The whole world saw footage of the NYPD pulling stained mattresses and booster seats from the secret tunnel system discovered under the Chabad-Lubavitch headquarters in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, but USA Today fact checkers are now saying that we should not believe our own eyes.

Fact checkers and mainstream media are directly funded by the global elite including Bill Gates and George Soros and they relentlessly spread fake news to cover up the crimes of their patrons.

These crimes have real world consequences. How much sooner would Jeffrey Epstein have been apprehended, his victims saved and his VIP client list exposed if the mainstream media had not been under orders to protect him at all costs?

Epstein was protected because he was doing the dirty work of the global elite. He met with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak dozens of times in the years before his demise, always in private.

Jeffrey Epstein’s ex-girlfriend has testified in a lawsuit that the convicted pedophile boasted that he was an Israeli spy working for Mossad who was gathering dirt on the world’s most powerful men, all of whom had something in common.

A taste for children.

The mainstream media are complicit in this crime and responsible for the suffering of the unknown thousands of children who were raped, abused and tossed to the wolves.

But the people are waking up and the tide is turning on the elite and their depraved pedophilic lifestyles. Putin’s newly formed adrenochrome task force is already bearing fruit.

Leaders of a Jewish fundamentalist cult were sentenced to more than a decade behind bars for kidnapping two kids— including a child bride – then smuggling them across international borders.

Three brothers, who are members of the Lev Tahor sect, forced the girl back into the arms of her adult “husband” in a sickening and sophisticated sex scheme that was exposed before they could flee to Israel.

It’s not just pedophiles who flee to Israel for protection. It’s organ traffickers too.

Recent revelations have raised the question – is Israel a state or an organ harvesting mafia?

Israel is known to commit false flag attacks and blame Russia or terrorist groups in the Middle East and often these inside jobs are done in collusion with the country’s government to steal thousands of children for pedophilic purposes.

Take the recent false flag attack in Kiev for example, where the western mainstream media was quick to accuse Russia of firing a missile into a children’s hospital.

There was just one problem.

The missile was identified as Boeing-made and NATO-supplied. This was not a Russian attack. It was a Ukrainian false flag, in collaboration with NATO, and the victims were Ukraine’s own children.

As former CIA analyst Larry Johnson told Judge Napolitano, the main US interest in Ukraine is child trafficking. Israel will continue to invest in Ukraine because they are interested in the flow of children from such tragedies.

More people are speaking up about the truth and we are becoming an unstoppable force. Every time you share this information with people you are helping the cause and bringing the end of the cabal closer.

But be warned, blowing the whistle on the elite is a dangerous game, as Hollywood actor Jim Caviezel found out when he shared what he knows about adrenochrome and the entertainment industry.

If you want to live in a world that is safe for our children, it’s time to choose a side and make a stand.

Are you on the side of the Hollywood entertainment system that corrupts and abuses children and the mainstream media that covers up the crimes of abusers in positions of power?

Or are you on the side of the brave truth tellers seen in this video who are determined to make the world a safe place for our children?

Come and help us expose the crimes of the elite by subscribing to the channel on Rumble and joining the Peoples Voice Locals community to join us in our mission to educate the world about what is really happening behind the scenes in the world today. I hope to see you there.


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