The globalist cabal are criminals who attempted to take over the world in a coup d’etat according to Russian President Vladimir Putin who warned the elite that their New World Order has failed and they must pay the price for their crimes against humanity.
According to Putin, the cabal’s failed coup d’etat directly contravenes international law and places them firmly in the crosshairs of a robust criminal trial aimed at restoring global law and order – not to mention saving humanity from a future of slavery and spiritual impoverishment.
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For decades, this cabal has flown around the world in private jets, dined at the finest tables, and all the while, they’ve been pushing an agenda of extreme depopulation. They warn that those who survive will be confined to 15-minute cities—forced into vaccinations, eating bugs, and stripped of basic rights and dignity.
Speaking at the Valdai Discussion Club two days after the US election, Putin said the elite’s halcyon days are behind them and the heat is about to get cranked up to 11.
The global elite are intent on steering humanity straight into World War 3, hoping a New World Order will rise like a phoenix from the ashes. The Biden administration played their part perfectly—funneling billions into global conflicts, stoking the fires, and waiting for the powder keg to blow.
Unfortunately for the elite, with the election of Trump, the era of global war and conflict is now officially over.
Putin knows Trump wants to stop the war in Ukraine, stop the needless slaughter, and save Americans hundreds of billions of dollars in tax payer money that should be remaining in their own pockets.
Just as Trump’s election in 2016 saw ISIS crumble almost overnight, his 2024 win appears set to put an end to the war in Ukraine—stopping it in its tracks before it can turn into the world war that the elite are desperate to ignite.
Negotiating from a position of strength is easier when the man on the other line has respect for you as a man. Putin understood Biden was a corrupt bureaucrat whose sole achievement in 50 years of public life involved enriching his family members with foreign cash. And his sole achievement in private life was raising a family of drug addicts and child sex abuse victims.
In contrast, Putin calls Trump “courageous” and “a real man.”
For those raised on the steady diet of mainstream media, the truth about Putin tends to come as a shock. Some say that once you really understand who Putin is and what he’s been fighting against, it’s enough to make people question everything they’ve been told and finally wake up. This truth could be the ultimate red pill—the one that challenges the whole narrative.
The real question is: just how far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go? Are you ready to uncover what Putin has in store for Schwab, Gates, Soros, and the liberal elite in the U.S.—the ones failed in their coup de’tat? The ones who crossed borders while committing atrocities that could well be called crimes against humanity, in clear violation of international law?
The globalist elite have made life hell for the majority since George HW Bush announced the New World Order in 1991.
Their crimes surpass even the darkest moments of the 20th century and the majority of the population was, for years, successfully brainwashed through a sophisticated psy-op involving Obama’s amendment of the Smith-Mundt Act and the Mockingbird media.
The desperate attempt to brainwash the American public failed and now our abusers have been backed into a corner. Their crimes have been exposed and they are begging for mercy. They want us to forgive and forget.
But that’s not going to happen. It really isn’t. The people have woken up. And since they woke up and realized that the Covid pandemic was created intentionally by the elite, and the 2020 election was brazenly stolen, the people are rising up and demanding justice.
At the international level the people have a powerful ally in Vladimir Putin who is determined to haul the cabal into the dock to face justice for their crimes.
It is worth keeping in mind that we have been here before when the Nazi leadership of the Third Reich were put on trial at Nuremberg.
In all, 199 defendants were tried, 161 were convicted, and 37 were sentenced to death for crimes against humanity and war crimes.
But the death of these key players of the Third Reich did not mean the end of Nazism. It was simply a ruse for the elite to retain control. Ultimately the Nazis just rebranded and tried again under a new disguise.
Nazi scientists and doctors were exported to the United States and Europe was overrun by globalist organizations featuring children and grandchildren of the Nazi leadership.
Schwab, Soros and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen are just a few examples of globalist leaders with direct ties to the Nazi leadership that was supposedly eradicated at Nuremberg.
Putin has always seen through the disguise and recognized the global elite for what they really are: reanimated Nazis, determined to destroy nations from the inside with policies that entail child sex trafficking, child mutilation, forced transgender education, CRT, and the worship of Satan in all institutions.
All so that they can achieve their sick vision of a New World Order and global government.
If a man can be measured by his enemies, Putin seems to be doing something right.
Far-left globalist billionaire George Soros has complained that Putin is thwarting the ‘New World Order’ from fulfilling its agenda.
High praise, indeed.
Before his death, Jacob Rothschild also singled out Putin, complaining bitterly about the Russian president’s resolve in kicking the central banking cartel out of Russia and dismantling the New World Order.
Besides kicking out Soros and Rothschild, Putin banned GMOs, banned Bill Gates and then issued an arrest warrant for him, fought Cultural Marxism, and built over 15,000 churches during an era when Christianity is in decline in Western nations.
He has also encouraged families to have more children, banned transgender propaganda to children, and called out the WEF’s normalization of pedophilia, declaring it the ultimate destruction of the family, designed to destroy all cultures and national identity.
This is the man we are supposed to consider an enemy?
The global elite despite Putin because he defies their social agenda while refusing to adopt their economy-wrecking policies.
Between 1999 and 2014, Russia’s GDP grew 10-fold and it’s world rank surged from 22nd to 8th. Russia’s debt-to-GDP ratio fell from 100% in 1999 to 17% in 2016. Foreign reserves grew from virtually nothing to the 6th largest in the world. Gold reserves grew to become the 6th largest in the world as well.
In other words, Putin made Russia great again. This is why his approval rating is still over 80%.
But he’s not finished yet. Putin has long promised to destroy the New World Order, and to do so he knows the time has come to cut the head off the snake.
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